Details for Complaint Number 023046
Complaint Received Date:
First Site Visit Date:
Second Site Visit Date:
Third Site Visit Date:
File List:
Permit Number:
W - Water
Pat Sanders
Route 1 BOx 238
Western Grove, AR 72685
Western Grove, AR 72685
Site Phone Number:
(870) 577-0478
Fayetteville Shale Related:
Fayetteville Shale Violations:
First Letter Date:
Second Letter Date:
Third Letter Date:
ERC Event Number:
Action Case ID:
Action Case Name:
Action LIS Number:
Number of Site Visits:
Discharge To Stream:
Discharge To Stream Name:
Previous Complaint:
Previous Dates Comment:
Inactive Investigation:
Inactive Investigation Reason:
Valid Complaint:
Final Disposition Description:
Letter sent
Investigation Comment:
Refer to separate reconnaissance inspection PDS # 099746. [Last modified by Melissa McConnell on 10/25/2017 7:48 AM]
Description Comment:
Complainant stated that Mr. Sanders has recently started to keep hogs at the above mentioned location. Complainant stated that the hogs are not penned and is concerned about the condition of the animals and runoff associated with their activity and waste. Complainant states that there are no retaining ponds and that the pasture drains into a nearby creek which flows into the Buffalo River.
Location Comment:
From Hwy 65 turn west onto Gladden St. Stay on pavement for approximately 2 miles then the dirt road approximately 1 mile. Between roads 3560 and 3570.