Permit Information

Additional Documents Date
2023 Annual Report Letter (pdf)   2024-05-28
WQMP Summary (pdf)   2024-05-03
Updated Technology Calculations (pdf)   2024-04-22
AR PPS Updated (pdf)   2024-04-22
LA PPS Updated (pdf)   2024-04-22
Planning Review (pdf)   2024-02-29
Rating Sheet (pdf)   2024-02-26
Monitoring Frequency Reduction Calculations (pdf)   2024-02-26
Background Metals Data (pdf)   2024-02-26
Response Letter (pdf)   2023-11-16
2023 Mercury Minimization Plan Annual Report (PDF)   2023-10-31
Response Letter (pdf)   2023-10-05
Change of Authorization Letter (pdf)   2023-06-06
Request for Change of Authorization (pdf)   2023-05-31
Updated Renewal Application (PDF)   2023-04-06
MMP Report Response Letter (pdf)   2022-11-22
Enforcement Review (pdf)   2022-11-08
Mercury Minimization Report (pdf)   2022-10-31
Georgia Pacific Letter re Sale (pdf)   2022-07-20
Response Letter re Sale of Resins Plant (pdf)   2022-05-11
Ash Pond Closure Letter (pdf)   2022-03-07
Legal Name Change Letter (pdf)   2022-02-28
Letter Re Pending Sale (pdf)   2022-02-09
Permit Transfer Form (PDF)   2022-01-05
MMP Report Response Letter (pdf)   2021-12-22
Mercury Minimization Plan (pdf)   2021-11-03
Letter Re Settling Basin Closure Request (pdf)   2021-10-28
Letter Re Odor Control Plan (pdf)   2021-08-24
Odor Control Measures (pdf)   2021-07-30
Waste Stream Data for CWS (pdf)   2021-07-22
Letter Re Odor Control Measures (pdf)   2021-07-14
Response to Extend Trial (pdf)   2021-05-28
Request for Trial Extension (PDF)   2021-05-21
Email Re Operations (pdf)   2021-05-03
Removal of Aerators Response (pdf)   2021-04-22
Interim Report Response (pdf)   2021-03-12
Email Re Aerator Decomissioning (pdf)   2021-03-08
Letter Re Aerator Decommissioning (pdf)   2021-03-03
pH Trial Adjustment Interim Report (pdf)   2021-03-01
Cooling Water Intake Information (pdf)   2021-02-12
Extension of pH Trial Adjustment (pdf)   2021-01-12
Request for Extension of pH Adjustment Trial (pdf)   2020-12-02
Response to Mercury Minimization Annual Report (pdf)   2020-11-30
Mercury Minimization Report (PDF)   2020-10-28
Response to BMP (pdf)   2020-07-23
WQMP Summary Sheet (pdf)   2020-07-20
2019 BMP Annual Report (pdf)   2020-06-01
Cooling Water Intake Certification (pdf)   2020-05-18
Change of Authorization (pdf)   2020-04-20
Request for Change of Authorization (pdf)   2020-04-15
Request for Additional Information Re Decommissioning (pdf)   2020-03-06
Letter Re Decommissioning Process (PDF)   2020-01-24
No Objection to pH Adjustment Trial (pdf)   2019-12-19
Letter Re Change of Authorization (pdf)   2019-12-10
Request for Change of Authorization (pdf)   2019-11-22
Response Re Mercury Minimization Report (pdf)   2019-11-20
Letter Re pH Adjustment Trial (PDF)   2019-11-12
Notification of Commencement of pH Adjustment Trial (pdf)   2019-11-05
Mercury Minimization Plan Annual Report (PDF)   2019-10-31
Letter Re pH Adjustment Trial (pdf)   2019-10-25
Withdrawal of Draft Permit (pdf)   2019-10-23
Request to Run pH Adjustment Trial (PDF)   2019-10-09
Updated Application Information (PDF)   2019-10-08
Request for Temporary Variance Extension (pdf)   2018-11-27
Response Re Mercury Minimization (pdf)   2018-11-06
Mercury Minimization Plan Annual Report (PDF)   2018-10-29
Temporary Variance Extension(Ash Basin) (pdf)   2018-10-17
Temporary Variance Extension Routing Sheet (pdf)   2018-10-16
Letter Re Oxygen Trial Data Preliminary Report (pdf)   2018-10-10
Request for Extension of Temporary Variance (PDF)   2018-10-02
Oxygen Trial and Preliminary Report (PDF)   2018-09-18
Variance Extension Request (PDF)   2018-09-07
Extension of Oxygen Addition Trial (pdf)   2018-08-02
Interoffice Routing re Extension of Temporary Variance (pdf)   2018-07-16
Letter re Extension of Temporary Variance (pdf)   2018-07-16
Request to Continue Pilot Study (PDF)   2018-07-12
Extension of Temporary Variance - Ash Basin (PDF)   2018-06-22
Temporary Variance Extension Granted (pdf)   2018-06-14
BMP Report Response (pdf)   2018-06-06
email RE Flooding elevations (pdf)   2018-06-05
no further ADEQ comments on 5th Flood Model report (pdf)   2018-06-04
Request for Variance Extension (pdf)   2018-06-01
2017 Annual Report (pdf)   2018-06-01
5th AquAeTer Flood Model Report (pdf)   2018-04-25
List of Agreed Updates to 4th Flood Model report (pdf)   2018-04-17
Letter Regarding Septic Tank Replacement (pdf)   2018-04-10
initial ADEQ review results of 4th Flood Model report (pdf)   2018-04-04
Ash Basin Variance Extension Approval (pdf)   2018-04-02
Ash Basin Variance Extension Routing Slip (pdf)   2018-03-23
Request for Variance Extension (pdf)   2018-03-22
Report of Plans to Replace Existing Septic Tank (pdf)   2018-03-22
Approval of Variance Extension Request (pdf)   2018-03-20
4th AquAeTer Flood Model report (pdf)   2018-03-19
Variance Extension Request Routing Sheet (pdf)   2018-03-19
Request for Fourth Temporary Variance Extension (pdf)   2018-03-06
email attached stream flows and gage heights (pdf)   2018-03-06
email attached Dissolved oxygen data upstream (pdf)   2018-03-06
email list of tasks between EPA and ADEQ on GP Crossett Modeling (pdf)   2018-01-26
Letter Re Permit Transfer (pdf)   2018-01-18
Letter re Request for Variance Extension (pdf)   2018-01-05
Variance Extension for Ash Settling Basins (pdf)   2017-12-27
Letter Re Variance Extension (pdf)   2017-12-14
Letter Re Variance Extension Routing Sheet (pdf)   2017-12-06
Variance Extension Request (pdf)   2017-12-04
Letter Re Septic Tank Replacement (pdf)   2017-11-15
Letter Re Septic Tank Replacement Routing Sheet (pdf)   2017-11-14
Permit Transfer Form (pdf)   2017-11-14
Plan to Replace Existing Sanitary Sewer Septic Tank (pdf)   2017-11-10
Letter Re Mercury Minimization Plan Annual Report (pdf)   2017-11-07
Letter Re Mercury Minimization Plan Annual Report Routing Sheet (pdf)   2017-11-03
AquAeTer Flood Model and Report (pdf)   2017-11-01
3rd AquAeTer Flood Model Report (pdf)   2017-11-01
email RE gage height at Felsenthal vs Sterlington (pdf)   2017-10-31
Mercury Minimization Plan Annual Report (pdf)   2017-10-30
2nd AquAeTer Flood Model Report (pdf)   2017-10-27
Letter Re Temporary Variance Extension Request (pdf)   2017-10-06
Letter Re Pending Sale of Georgia Pacific Chemicals (pdf)   2017-10-04
ADEQ Comments on AquAeTer 1st flood model report (pdf)   2017-09-28
Letter Re Temporary Variance Extension Request Routing Sheet (pdf)   2017-09-26
Request for Variance Extension (pdf)   2017-09-25
Letter Re Variance Extension Request (pdf)   2017-09-20
Letter Re Variance Extension Request Routing Sheet (pdf)   2017-09-20
email request to review 1st Flood Model report (pdf)   2017-09-19
Request for Continued Treatment of TOFRAC Plant Effluent (pdf)   2017-09-18
1st AquAeTer Flood Model Report (pdf)   2017-09-18
Request for Variance Extension (pdf)   2017-08-31
Temporary Variance PN Proof of Publication and Payment (pdf)   2017-08-23
Oxygen Pilot Study (pdf)   2017-07-27
Oxygen Pilot Study Request (pdf)   2017-07-26
Letter re Temporary Variance (pdf)   2017-07-19
Letter re Temporary Variance Routing Sheet (pdf)   2017-07-13
Temporary Variance PN Publication Date Email (pdf)   2017-07-13
Interoffice Memorandum re Temporary Variance (pdf)   2017-07-05
Settling Basins Trial Revised Request (PDF)   2017-06-28
Letter re Variance Extension Request Routing Memo (pdf)   2017-06-26
Trial to Bypass Settling Basins (PDF)   2017-06-22
Letter re Variance Extension Request (pdf)   2017-06-21
Request for Variance Extension (PDF)   2017-06-05
EPA Interim Objection to Preliminary Draft Permit (PDF)   2017-05-19
EPA Comment Letter (pdf)   2017-05-19
Control_Water (pdf)   2017-05-02
Notice of Temporary Variance Proof of Publication and Payment (pdf)   2017-04-17
Notice of Temporary Variance Publication Date Email (pdf)   2017-03-30
Request for Temporary Variance Response (pdf)   2017-03-29
Temporary Variance Interoffice Memos (pdf)   2017-03-24
Temporary Variance Correspondence Routing (pdf)   2017-03-24
Variance Request (PDF)   2017-03-21
Letter re Source Control Measures for Sulfides (pdf)   2017-03-10
Letter re Source Control Measures for Sulfides Routing Sheet (pdf)   2017-03-10
Notification of Source Contrl Measures for Sulfides (PDF)   2017-03-01
Copy of Draft to EPA and Reply (pdf)   2017-02-06
Cooling Water Intake certification (PDF)   2016-11-21
Letter re Mercury Minimization Plan Annual Report (pdf)   2016-11-07
Letter re Mercury Minimization Plan Annual Report Routing Sheet (pdf)   2016-11-07
Mercury Minimization Plan Annual Report (PDF)   2016-10-21
email RE Flow data of Quachita River below Felsenthal Dam (pdf)   2016-09-22
Ouachita river flow statistics data from StreamStats below Felsenthal (pdf)   2016-09-22
Ouachita river flow data statistics below Felsenthal (pdf)   2016-09-22
Updated Form 1 (PDF)   2016-05-13
Pre Draft Comments (pdf)   2016-05-06
PPS Using Updated 7Q10 (pdf)   2016-04-30
ADEQ Response to Removal of Chemical Usage Request (pdf)   2016-03-24
ADEQ Response to Request to Perform Trials (pdf)   2016-03-08
Request to Remove Usage Restrictions (PDF)   2016-03-01
Request to Run Trail of Added Oxygen to the Primary Clarifier (PDF)   2016-02-29
Trail of Source Control Sulfides (PDF)   2016-02-29
Notice of Proposed Administrative Penalty Assessment (PDF)   2016-02-21
Arkansas Standards PPS (pdf)   2016-02-03
No Dieldrin on Site Certification (pdf)   2016-01-14
Responsible Official Change (pdf)   2016-01-07
Request for Change of Authorization (PDF)   2015-12-22
LA PPS Spreadsheet Calculations (pdf)   2015-12-21
LA PPS Email (txt)   2015-12-21
Letter Re Mercury Minimization Plan Annual Report (pdf)   2015-11-06
Mercury Minimization Plan Annual Report (PDF)   2015-10-30
Permit Routing Sheet (pdf)   2015-10-16
Certificate of Service (pdf)   2015-10-16
PPA with LA Standards and Updated 7Q10 (pdf)   2015-10-07
Modeling Report (pdf)   2015-10-06
ADH No Comment Letter (PDF)   2015-10-05
Final Compliance Review (txt)   2015-09-28
Letter Re Request to Extend Trials at Wastewater Treatment System (pdf)   2015-09-24
Letter Re Permit Transfer Form (pdf)   2015-09-22
Request to Extend Trials at Wastewater Treatment System (pdf)   2015-09-22
Draft PN Proof of Publication and Payment (pdf)   2015-09-18
Email Re Publication Date (pdf)   2015-09-09
Permit Transfer Form (pdf)   2015-09-02
Permit Transfer Form (PDF)   2015-08-28
EPA Draft Comments (pdf)   2015-08-25
Cooling Water Intake Certification (pdf)   2015-08-24
Request to increase BOP5 (PDF)   2015-08-20
Copy of Draft to EPA (pdf)   2015-08-07
Letter Re Request for Modification of Permit (pdf)   2015-08-07
Site Visit Report (pdf)   2015-08-05
PPS using LA Standards (pdf)   2015-07-28
Modifications to Permit (txt)   2015-07-23
Letter Re Request for Public Hearing on Renewal Application (pdf)   2015-07-15
Final Compliance Memo (txt)   2015-07-06
Compliance Review (txt)   2015-07-06
Permit Rating Sheet (pdf)   2015-06-25
Public Hearing Request (PDF)   2015-06-10
Request for Notification of Draft Permitting Decision (PDF)   2015-06-10
Application PN for Modification Proof of Publication and Payment (PDF)   2015-06-10
Application PN Proof of Publication and Payment (PDF)   2015-06-03
Completeness Letter (pdf)   2015-06-02
Modification Application PN Publication Date Email (pdf)   2015-06-01
Corrected Application PN Publication Date Email (pdf)   2015-05-27
Complete Modification Application (PDF)   2015-05-22
Completeness Letter (pdf)   2015-05-15
Application PN Publication Date Email (pdf)   2015-05-15
Complete Renewal Application (PDF)   2015-05-13
Letter Re Continuation of Chemical Trials (pdf)   2015-03-24
Solid Waste Response to Closure Plan (pdf)   2015-03-17
Results of Chemical Addition Trials (PDF)   2015-02-26
Results of Chemical Addition Trials at the Wastewater Treatment System (PDF)   2015-02-12
2nd Permit Expiration Notification (pdf)   2015-02-03
Correspondence (pdf)   2015-01-27
Solids Disposal Request (pdf)   2014-11-20
Letter Re Mercury Minimization Plan Annual Report (pdf)   2014-11-14
Revised Mercury Minimization Plan Annual Report (pdf)   2014-11-12
1st Permit Expiration Notification (pdf)   2014-11-03
Mercury Minimization Plan Annual Report (PDF)   2014-10-30
Notification of Start of Second Trial and ADEQ Response (txt)   2014-08-21
Response to Start of Trial Notification (txt)   2014-08-13
Notification of Start of Ferric Sulfate Trial (txt)   2014-08-12
Approval to Run Trials Wastewater Treatment System (pdf)   2014-07-31
Air Division Review of Trials Request (txt)   2014-07-16
Email Correspondence for Trial Run Request (pdf)   2014-07-08
Request to Run Trials at WWT System (PDF)   2014-06-20
ADEQ No Objection Letter (pdf)   2014-04-17
Stamped by Pond Closure Certification (pdf)   2014-04-14
Email transmission of Stamped Pond Closure Certification (txt)   2014-04-14
Surface Water Containment Pond Closure at Georgia Pacific LLC Facility (pdf)   2014-04-07
EPA Letter Regarding Petitions to the Enforcement of the Clean Water Act (pdf)   2014-03-28
Mecury Minimization Plan Annual Report (pdf)   2013-11-10
Mercury Minimization Plan Annual Report (pdf)   2013-10-31
Final TRE Report (pdf)   2013-08-22
Approval of Closure Plan (pdf)   2013-07-16
EPA Letters Addressing Concerns (pdf)   2013-07-02
Letter Regarding Crossett Paper Operations (pdf)   2013-05-28
Closure Plan (pdf)   2013-05-03
Request to Remove Dieldrin Monitoring Requirements (pdf)   2013-05-01
Annual Report Requirements (pdf)   2012-11-06
Mercury Minimization Plan Annual Report (pdf)   2012-10-29
Annual Report (pdf)   2012-05-22
Unpermitted Discharge Notification (pdf)   2012-02-08
Request for Use of Alternative Permeability Specifications (pdf)   2011-12-05
Department Approval of Updated Mercury Minimization Plan (pdf)   2011-11-16
transmittal e-mail for updated mercury minimization plan (txt)   2011-11-14
Mercury Minimization Plan Update (pdf)   2011-11-14
No Construction Permit Required for Surge Pond Expansion (pdf)   2011-10-31
TRE Plan Approval (pdf)   2011-10-31
3rd Quarter TRE Report (pdf)   2011-10-20
Draft Felsenthal FONSI (pdf)   2011-10-14
Ouachita River Monitoring 10 12 2011 am (pdf)   2011-10-14
Ouachita River Monitoring 10 11 2011 pm (pdf)   2011-10-14
Ouachita River Monitoring 10 11 2011 am (pdf)   2011-10-14
Ouachita River Monitoring 10 10 2011 pm (pdf)   2011-10-14
Ouachita River Monitoring 10 13 2011 pm (pdf)   2011-10-14
Ouachita River Monitoring 10 13 2011 am (pdf)   2011-10-14
Request to Expand Existing Surge Basin (pdf)   2011-10-13
Department Comments on Mercury Minimization Plan (pdf)   2011-09-09
Mercury Minimization Plan (pdf)   2011-09-01
Comments on EPA Technical Review (pdf)   2011-09-01
TRE Plan Response (pdf)   2011-08-24
NPDES Permit Processing Checklist (pdf)   2011-06-22
Certificate of Service (pdf)   2011-06-22
LDEQ No Comment on Draft Modification Permit (pdf)   2011-05-24
Public Notice of Draft Modification Proof of Publication (pdf)   2011-05-11
Notice of Draft Permit to LDEQ (pdf)   2011-05-06
EPA Declined Full Review Letter, Draft Modification (txt)   2011-04-28
EPA Response Letter to Sulkin-Slavant PEER Group Complaint (pdf)   2011-04-20
foam control curtain in aeration basin effluent channel prior to outfall (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking downstream at Outfall 001 flume (JPG)   2011-03-16
GP effluent channel looking upstream toward outfall 001 from wooden bridge (JPG)   2011-03-16
GP aeration basin looking towards influent end (JPG)   2011-03-16
GP aeration basin looking mid pond (JPG)   2011-03-16
GP effluent channel looking downstream from bridge where man made channel parallels road (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking downstream at Ouachita River from mouth of Coffee Creek (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking downstream at Coffee Creek near Thurman Road (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking down GP effluent channel towards Mossy Lake (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking down at aeration basin effluent channel from bridge over channel (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking at discharge from GP aeration basin and effluent channel (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking at Coffee Creek upstream from city discharge pipe (JPG)   2011-03-16
City of Crossett wwt pond outlet structure 2 (JPG)   2011-03-16
discharge pipe from city of crossett into surge basin channel (JPG)   2011-03-16
effectiveness of foam control curtain above outfall 001 (JPG)   2011-03-16
City of Crossett wwt pond outlet structure (JPG)   2011-03-16
discharge from Mossy Lake weir foam formed by turbulence dissipates in 30 yards (JPG)   2011-03-16
50 yards from bridge Coffee Creek is still separate channel (JPG)   2011-03-16
about 30 yards downstream of outfall 001 flume (JPG)   2011-03-16
aeration basin effluent channel trace foam (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking downstream at Outfall 001 no foam to flume (JPG)   2011-03-16
beaver dam on Coffee Creek (JPG)   2011-03-16
foam dissipation immediately downstream of flume turbulence (JPG)   2011-03-16
outfall 001 flume no foam being discharged (JPG)   2011-03-16
outfall 001 defoamer tank (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking toward discharge from surge basin (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking west into the upper part of Mossy Lake (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking upstream on Ouachita River near the mouth of Coffee Creek (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking upstream at Coffee Creek on Thurman Trail bridge crossing (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking toward city pipe crossing Coffee Creek (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking toward city pipe crossing Coffee Creek 2 (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking from surge basin channel to city wwt ponds (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking downstream on the Ouachita River with mouth of Coffee Creek on the left (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking downstream on Ouachita River with mouth of Coffee Creek on the left (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking downstream on GP aeration basin effluent channel (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking downstream on coffee creek on Thurman Trail bridge crossing (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking upstream at Coffee Creek near Thurman Road (JPG)   2011-03-16
looking downstream from outfall 001 (JPG)   2011-03-16
wwt plant entrance sign (JPG)   2011-03-16
standing next to Thurman Trail bridge looking at GP aeration basin (JPG)   2011-03-16
non persistent foam formed by turbulence in aeration basin channel (JPG)   2011-03-16
non persistent foam formed by flume discharge turbulence (JPG)   2011-03-16
city wastewater pipe across Coffee Creek (JPG)   2011-03-16
Coffee Creek channel at confluence with Ouachita River (JPG)   2011-03-16
close up of foam in aeration basin channel formed by turbulence (JPG)   2011-03-16
Permit Appeal Resolution (pdf)   2011-01-11
Department No Objection to Proposed Monitoring Locations on the Ouachita River (pdf)   2010-12-07
Color Monitoring of the Ouachita River (pdf)   2010-11-29
Crossett WWTP Pic2014 Coffe Creek into Ouachita River (jpg)   2010-11-23
Crossett WWTP hand drawing (PDF)   2010-11-23
Crossett WWTP Pic2005 below county Road and below aeration basin (jpg)   2010-11-23
Department Approval of Request to Accept Wastewater from Taylorsville MS Facility (pdf)   2010-11-23
Crossett WWTP Pic2017 Coffe Creek into Ouachita River-300 ft from river (jpg)   2010-11-23
Crossett WWTP Pic2016 Coffe Creek into Ouachita River-300 ft from river (jpg)   2010-11-23
Crossett WWTP Pic2004 below areation basin (jpg)   2010-11-23
Request to Treat GP Taylorsville wastewater (pdf)   2010-11-05
Engineer Notes (pdf)   2010-10-01
NPDES Permit Rating Sheet (pdf)   2010-10-01
NPDES Permit Processing Checklist (pdf)   2010-10-01
AOX Data (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to LDEQ (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Nolan B Coleman (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Terry Matthews (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Teresa Walsh (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Senator Jimmy Jeffress (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Rhonda Blakley (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Reagan Pylant (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Paul Smith (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Norman Hill (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Wylie Moore (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Wilma Subra (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Wayne Haword (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Cheryl Slavant (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Neil Sidders (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Carl A Daves Jr (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Brad Akers (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Bobby Griffin (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Anthony Cockrell (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Andy McCarley (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service of Elizabeth Livingston de Calderon (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Chelsey Carnal (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Jay B Mitchell (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to James Burtram (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Facility (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Eddie Wayne Burch (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to David Carnal (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Dave Woods (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Concerned Citizen 1 (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Jim Cutbirth (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Lanny Dark (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Kenneth E Griswold (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Charles Ogden (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Jerry S Drewett (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Jerry Johnson (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Mike Smith (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Mike Pylant (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Michael Caire (pdf)   2010-10-01
Certificate of Service to Leo Miller (pdf)   2010-10-01
Jeff McManus (pdf)   2010-10-01
Email from Melvin Mitchell to John Bailey re LDEQ Comments (pdf)   2010-07-13
FOI Request from Sam Russell (pdf)   2010-07-01
Georgia Pacific Permit Renewal and Public Hearing Request (pdf)   2010-06-17
NPDES Permit Conditions for Accepting Building Product Wastewater (pdf)   2010-06-17
Email from Mitch Mitchell to Loretta Reiber re LDEQ Comments (htm)   2010-06-09
Email from Loretta Reiber to James Cutbirth re LDEQ Comments (htm)   2010-06-08
LDEQ Comments on GP Crossett (pdf)   2010-06-07
Response to Sam Russell FOI Request (pdf)   2010-06-02
Email to Mitch Mitchell from Loretta Reiber re Draft Permit to LDEQ (htm)   2010-05-28
FOI Request for Sam Russell (pdf)   2010-05-27
Email from Scott Waller to Loretta Reiber re Public Hearing Transcript (htm)   2010-05-17
Email from Scott Waller to Loretta Reiber re Public Hearing Summary (htm)   2010-05-17
Additional Metals and Pesticides Information (pdf)   2010-05-17
Effluent Flow Map (pdf)   2010-05-17
Email re Monitoring Station Exact Coordinates (pdf)   2010-05-17
Powerpoint Presentation (pdf)   2010-05-17
Public Hearing Transcript (htm)   2010-05-17
Updated PPS (pdf)   2010-05-17
Leo Miller Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-05-14
Hearing Fact Sheet (pdf)   2010-05-10
Tulane Environmental Law Clinic Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-05-10
Tulane University Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-05-10
Caldwell Farm Bureau Resolution (pdf)   2010-05-06
Email from Loretta Reiber to Mayes Starke re Grenada Letter (htm)   2010-05-02
Email from Loretta Reiber to Alexander Owings re Extension Request for Comments (htm)   2010-04-26
Extension Request for Comments on Permit No. AR0001210 (htm)   2010-04-21
Email from Alexander Owings to Loretta Reiber re Extension Request for Comments (htm)   2010-04-21
Email from Katie Henderson to James Cutbirth re Crossett Comment Letters (htm)   2010-04-12
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Lanny Dark (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to L.C. George (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Kenneth E. Griswold (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Jerry S. Drewett (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Jeff McManus (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Mike Pylart (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Dave Woods (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Nolan B. Coleman (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Cheryl Slavant (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Chelsey Carnal (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Charles Ogden (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Carl A. Daves, Jr. (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Bobby Griffin (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Andy McCarley (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to James Burtram (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Wylie Moore (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Concerned Citizen (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Jay B. Mitchell (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Michael Caire (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to David Carnal (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Wilma Subra (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Wayne Haword (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Terry Matthews (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Rhonda Blokley (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Reagan Pylart (pdf)   2010-04-06
Public Meeting and Public Hearing Notice to Paul Smith (pdf)   2010-04-06
Email from Doug Szenher to Ashley News Observer re Public Notice of Public Hearing (htm)   2010-04-05
ADH Review Letter (pdf)   2010-03-22
Public Notice Proof of Publication (pdf)   2010-03-18
Morehouse Parish Police Jury Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-18
Ouachita Riverkeeper Comment Letters (pdf)   2010-03-17
Georgia-Pacific Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-16
Georgia-Pacific Comments (pdf)   2010-03-16
Ouachita Riverkeeper Comment Letters (pdf)   2010-03-15
Public Notice Proof of Publication (pdf)   2010-03-15
Public Notice Proof of Payment (pdf)   2010-03-15
Ouachita Riverkeeper Comment Letters (pdf)   2010-03-12
Michael Caire Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-12
Paul Smith Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-11
Jerry S Drewett Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-11
Kenneth E. Griswold Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-11
Carl A. Davis Comment on Draft Permit (pdf)   2010-03-11
Concerned Citizen 2 Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-11
Concerned Citizen 1 Comment on Draft Permit (pdf)   2010-03-11
Public Notice Proof of Publication and Payment (pdf)   2010-03-10
Mike Pylart Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-08
Reagan Pylart Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-08
Wayne Haword Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-08
Nolan B. Coleman Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-08
Andy McCarley Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-08
David Carnal Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-08
Chelsey Carnal Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-08
Charles Ogden Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-08
L.C. George Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-08
James Burtram Comment Letter (pdf)   2010-03-08
Comments on Draft Permit and Request for Public Hearing (pdf)   2010-03-03
GP Permit Renewal Comments from Ouachita Riverkeeper (pdf)   2010-02-26
Email from Marylee Orr to Loretta Reiber re Comments and Request for Public Hearing (htm)   2010-02-26
Email from Cheryl Slavant to Loretta Reiber re Request for Public Hearing (htm)   2010-02-26
Public Notice Proof of Publication and Payment (pdf)   2010-02-19
Email Notice of Draft Permit (pdf)   2010-02-18
Department Denial to Discharge Wastewater from Grenada MS Facility (pdf)   2010-02-03
Email from Loretta Reiber to Rachel Johnson re Production Data Request (htm)   2010-01-27
Emergency Request to Treat Wastewaters (pdf)   2010-01-27
Timber Product Complex Allowance EPA (pdf)   2010-01-22
Email from Mayes Starke to Loretta Reiber re Crossett Data (htm)   2010-01-22
Brunswick NPDES Excerpt (pdf)   2010-01-22
Chloroform Analysis (pdf)   2010-01-22
Email from Rachel Johnson to Loretta Reiber re Dieldrin Test Results (htm)   2010-01-14
Draft Renewel wiith LDEQ Comments (pdf)   2010-01-13
Sample Analysis (pdf)   2009-12-23
Outfall 001 Analytical Results (pdf)   2009-12-23
Sample Analysis (pdf)   2009-12-17
EPA No Objection to Preliminary Draft Permit (pdf)   2009-12-16
EPA No Objection Letter (pdf)   2009-12-16
Sample Analysis (pdf)   2009-12-03
Request for Biomonitoring Frequency (htm)   2009-11-17
EPA Transmittal Email (pdf)   2009-11-17
Email from John Bailey to EPA re Review of Preliminary Draft Permit (pdf)   2009-11-17
Email from Rachel Johnson to Loretta Reiber re Additiona Data Submittal (htm)   2009-10-26
Email from Loretta Reiber to Mary Barnett re Request for Biomonitoring Frequency (htm)   2009-10-12
Email from Loretta Reiber to Jill Witkowski re Request for Notification of Public Review (htm)   2009-10-05
Draft Permit Public Review Response (pdf)   2009-10-05
Request to Be Included on Mailing List Receiving Notice from Tulane University (pdf)   2009-09-24
Email from Bruce Fielding to Loretta Reiber re SMS2 Data (pdf)   2009-08-17
Email from Bruce Fielding to Loretta Reiber re Comments (htm)   2009-08-17
Email from Mike Tillman to Bruce Fielding re WQ analysis (htm)   2009-08-05
Email from Loretta Reiber to Mike Tillman re WQ Analysis (htm)   2009-08-05
Email from Mike Tillman to Loretta Reiber re WQ Analysis (htm)   2009-08-05
Preliminary PPS (pdf)   2009-08-04
EPA checklist (pdf)   2009-07-30
Response to PPS (pdf)   2009-07-29
Email from Rachel Johnson to Loretta Reiber re Unbleached Pulp Production (pdf)   2009-07-29
Email from Loretta Reiber to Mike Tillman re SMS2 (htm)   2009-07-29
Email from Rachel Johnson to Loretta Reiber re Updated EPA Form 2C (htm)   2009-07-28
Revised Page from EPA Form 2C (pdf)   2009-07-28
TMDL Projections for the Ouachita River (pdf)   2009-07-08
Email from Loretta Reiber to Mo Shafii re Updated PPS (pdf)   2009-07-06
Email from Rachel Johnson to Loretta Reiber re Updated PPS (htm)   2009-07-05
Updates PPS Form (pdf)   2009-07-05
Email from Loretta Reiber to Jeremy Franklin re Hardness Data for the Ouchita River (htm)   2009-06-16
Email from Jeremy Franklin to Loretta Reiber re Hardness Data for the Ouchita River (htm)   2009-06-16
Email from Jill Witkowski to Loretta Reiber re Status of Permit Renewal (htm)   2009-06-11
Email from Jill Witkowski to Loretta Reiber re Renewal Application Status (pdf)   2009-06-11
Email from Rachel Johnson to Loretta Reiber re Chemical Plant Wastewater Streams (htm)   2009-06-10
Email from Loretta Reiber to Rachel Johnson re Chemical Plan Wastewater Streams (htm)   2009-06-10
Email from Loretta Reiber to Rachel Johnson re Chemical Plant Wastewater Request (htm)   2009-06-09
Email from Loretta Reiber to Rachel Johnson re Testing (htm)   2009-06-05
Email from Rachel Johnson to Loretta Reiber re Nutrient Mix MSDS (htm)   2009-06-05
Material Safety Date Sheet for MacroGro (pdf)   2009-06-05
Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing Frequency Recommendation and Rationale for Additional Requirements (pdf)   2009-06-03
Email from Loretta Reiber to Mary Barnett re Request for WET Testing Frequency Revised (htm)   2009-06-03
2008 BMP Annual Report (pdf)   2009-05-28
Email from Rachel Johnson to Loretta Reiber (htm)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-P3 Ditch (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-West Sludge Basin (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-Surge Basin (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-Surge Basin Outfall (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-Surge Basin B (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-Sludge Pond Closeout (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-p1 p2 and p3 (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit PictureOutfall 001 D (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-Outfall 001 C (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-Outfall 001 B (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-East Sludge Pond (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit PictureClarifier (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-Sludge Press and Clarifier (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-City WW (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-City WW into GP (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-Bar Screen and Clarifier (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture, Aeration Basin (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Notes (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visist Picture-Outfall 001 A (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-Clarifier Effluent (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-Clarifier Bypass Ditch (pdf)   2009-05-26
Site Visit Picture-Clarifier Outfall (pdf)   2009-05-26
Revised Page from EPA Form 2C (pdf)   2009-05-21
Email from Rachel Johnson to Loretta Reiber re EPA Form 2C (htm)   2009-05-21
Email from James Cutbirth to Loretta Reiber re Contaminated Washwater (htm)   2009-04-16
Email from Rachel Johnson to Loretta Reiber re Act 163 PN Proof of Publication and Payment (htm)   2009-04-03
Notice of Application Proof of Publication (pdf)   2009-04-03
Notice of Application Proof of Payment (pdf)   2009-04-03
ICIS Facility Report (pdf)   2009-03-10
Completeness Letter (pdf)   2009-03-04
Renewal (pdf)   2009-03-04
PN to Newspaper Confirmation (pdf)   2009-03-03
Renewal Application Packet (pdf)   2009-02-23
Coffee Creek Study (pdf)   2009-02-03
180 Day Expiration Letter (pdf)   2008-12-08
No Objection to Treat Hurrican Gustav Generated Wastewater (pdf)   2008-09-04
Request for adding vat water (pdf)   2008-09-02
Request to Treat Gustav Generated Wastewater (pdf)   2008-09-02
EPA Checklist (pdf)   2008-04-17
Email from Rachel Childress to Loretta Reiber re Chloroform Application (htm)   2008-04-11
Application for Modification Public Notice Proof of Publication (pdf)   2008-01-09
Completeness Letter (pdf)   2007-12-10
Final Report for Ouachita (pdf)   2007-12-07
FactSheet OuachitaRiver (pdf)   2007-12-07
Modification (pdf)   2007-12-06
Permit Update Form (pdf)   2007-09-27
Legislative Update 832 (pdf)   2007-09-11
Dioxin Study Fish Tissue Resuluts (pdf)   2006-10-17
Reduction Frequency Approval (pdf)   2006-10-17
Memo from Dick Cassat to Loretta Reiber (pdf)   2006-10-06
Reduction Frequency request (pdf)   2006-09-26
Request to Reduce Monitoring Frequency (pdf)   2006-07-27
email response of no objection to aerator shutdown during electricity curtailment (pdf)   2006-03-24
DO Model Summary (pdf)   2002-05-27
EPA Approval of Model (pdf)   2001-07-03
GP BODstudy volume 1 (pdf)   1999-04-12
GP BODstudy Map 4 (pdf)   1999-04-12
GP BODstudy Map 3 (pdf)   1999-04-12
GP BODstudy Map 2 (pdf)   1999-04-12
GP BODstudy Map 1 (pdf)   1999-04-12
GP BODstudy volume 2 (pdf)   1999-04-12
Sludge Pond Closure (pdf)   1996-08-14
PC&E Approval of Sludge Pond Closure (pdf)   1995-07-17
Water Quality Analyses (pdf)   1992-07-27
1974 EPA issued Permit (pdf)   1974-11-02
5th AquAeTer Flood Model Report (pdf)  
TRE Final Report-April 2024.pdf (pdf)  
TRE Report - Third Quarter 2022.pdf (pdf)  
TRE Report - Second Quarter 2023.pdf (pdf)  
TRE Report - Second Quarter 2022 for signature copy.docx (docx)  
TRE Report - Fourth Quarter 2023.pdf (pdf)  
TRE Report - Fourth Quarter 2022.pdf (pdf)  
TRE Report - First Quarter 2023.pdf (pdf)  
TRE Report - Third Quarter 2023.pdf (pdf)