Recycling Grants Expenditures
Specific Grant Expenditures Details for CCO00-10

Grant Expenditures
Year Date Amount Summary
2012 7/31/2013 $342.10 The District continues to operate a "Kurby" curbside recycling blue bag program. Funds were utilized to purchase envelopes for mailing recycling brochures and other information, and to reserve a room for the Director to attend the Southeast Recycling Conference to learn the latest recycling options.
2011 10/25/2012 $2,551.78 Funds were used for District recycling education program including recycling education coordinator. Paid ARC membership dues. purchased recycling carts for schools. Purchased a plaque for District Recycler of the Year and attended the Chamber of Commerce America Recycles Day luncheon. Paid for waste hauler decals. Paid AARSWMD dues.
2011 12/8/2011 $6,000.00 Approved Change Order authorizes funds to be used for sorting, processing and marketing co-mingled recyclables collected in county-wide curbside blue bag recycling program.
2010 8/9/2011 $5,381.12 Funds were used for administrative duties in connection with licensing waste haulers, enforcing regulations, attendance at District meetings and other meetings related to the District, and recycling efforts with the district Recycling education coordinator. [Original report shows $5,378.92 expended; amount adjusted accorind to expense itemization.]