Data Qualifiers or Flags
The data contained in our database is flagged or qualified with the following qualifiers:
- ?
- Historical Data Qualifier - this could be anything that was a problem with the data
- ~
- Approximate Value
- +Acid
- Analysis performed on pH adjusted Acid preserved aliquot
- >
- Greater than
- A
- Ammonia result > TKN Result
- B
- Analyte is present in the method blank
- C
- CBOD result > BOD result
- DM
- Dissolved metals result > Total metals result
- E
- Estimated Value
- Elevated Detection Limit due to necessary sample dilution
- EM
- Estimated result due to MS and/or MSD failure; this sample was used as the "parent sample" for MS/MSD prep.
- Ex
- Exceeds Metaltoxcal Limit
- H
- Samples were received, extracted, and/or analyzed out of holding time
- J
- Analyte detected above the Method Detection Limit (MDL), but below the Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL)
- L
- LCS and/or LCS dup recovery do not meet acceptance criteria; analyte is considered "estimated" in associated samples
- M
- MS and/or MS dup recovery do not meet acceptance criteria; parent sample is considered "estimated" for this analyte
- Masked by Analyte; Parent Sample required dilution in order to be within calibration range for this analyte
- Masked by Interference
- N
- See case narrative for explanation of qualifier
- NA
- Not Analyzed
- Neg
- Negative Growth
- P
- Orthophosphate result > Total Phosphate result
- Pos
- Positive growth
- R
- RPD value does not meet lab acceptance criteria
- S
- Surrogate recovery does not meet acceptance criteria; associated analytes are considered "estimated"
- Too Numerous to Count
- Z
- Samples received in improper containers and/or improperly preserved