Arkansas Wastewater Licensing Committee

The Arkansas Wastewater Licensing Committee (AWLC) is an advisory committee to the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission (APC&EC) and DEQ.

Regulation 3 established the Arkansas Wastewater Licensing Committee to advise and assist DEQ and the APC&EC in the administration of the licensing program.

The committee has the power and duty to:

  • Establish its administrative policies and guidelines
  • Conduct inquires and establish findings to advise the commission and DEQ on irregularities in the management of the licensing program
  • Conduct inquiries and establish facts to advise the commission and DEQ on the actions of licensees
  • Recommend administrative sanctions as necessary to promote the professional integrity of wastewater licensees

Seven committee members are appointed by the commission and represent wastewater treatment facilities, private industry, and sanitary engineering or water-related discipline faculty of an accredited college, university, or professional school in the state. The eighth member includes an executive secretary, who is either the DEQ director or a qualified DEQ staff member appointed by the director. DEQ's Wastewater Licensing Program coordinator also attends committee meetings.

Wastewater Licensing Committee Members

Click on last name to email selected person.

Committee Member Appointment Type
Austin Ramsfield Operator
Heath Ward Operator
Jeff Ford ** Operator
Andrew Rike Industrial
Doug Ford Industrial
Lance McAvoy * Municipal
Wen Zhang Academic
Richard Healey DEQ, Executive Secretary
Sarah Pierce WWL Coordinator

* Chairman

** Vice Chairman

Wastewater Licensing Committee Meeting Schedule

Meetings are held at 10 a.m. on the second Wednesday of February, May, August, and November at DEQ headquarters in North Little Rock.

AWLC Meeting Dates

Date Time Location

AWLC Meeting Minutes