Hazardous Waste Data Sets

Arkansas collects an annual report comprising the information contained in EPA’s Biennial Report of the hazardous wastes generated, or received and treated in Arkansas each year. Arkansas hazardous waste management facilities submit the Annual Hazardous Waste Report each year to DEQ, where the information is compiled into a single data set, which for the odd-numbered years is extracted and converted and then submitted to EPA to constitute the state’s Biennial Report.

The Annual Report data sets contain a wealth of information concerning the types and sources of hazardous wastes generated in Arkansas, as well as the manner in which these wastes were treated and disposed. The following provide links to the compiled, statewide tables used to generate the Biennial Report data. These files are in Microsoft Access format and use ZIP compression to save storage space and bandwidth.

A listing of Arkansas Hazardous Waste Generators and additional information regarding hazardous waste management and hazardous waste reporting in Arkansas are available from the DEQ Hazardous Waste Office.