Compliance Inspections

Compliance Inspections employees ensure that permitted facilities operate according to state and federal regulations.

They investigate citizens' complaints about permitted facilities, as well as reports of illegal dumping, and attempt to identify those responsible for the illegal activities. DEQ strives to obtain voluntary compliance and cleanup but may take civil or criminal enforcement action when necessary.

Staff members also work in emergency and disaster situations through activities coordinated by the Emergency Response Section of the Hazardous Waste Office.


Inspectors in Pulaski County and area offices around the state inspect permitted facilities, investigate complaints, and assist in enforcement actions.

Compliance Inspections

Inspectors conduct unannounced compliance inspections on a quarterly basis to determine if solid waste management facilities are in compliance with regulations. Some of the areas included in inspections include record-keeping, operations, stormwater management, leachate management, and daily waste cover.

Complaint Investigations

Complaint investigations are conducted on information received from the public and the regulated community concerning environmental or regulatory aspects of solid waste management facilities and illegal dumps.


Enforcement Case Development

Whenever informal efforts have been unsuccessful, the case documentation is compiled and referred to the division's enforcement coordinator, who develops and administers enforcement orders when other methods for resolving issues do not bring adequate results.