30-Day Public Notice for Renewal MS4

The following 30-day public notice is based on Section 2.4 of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit ARR040000. After review of the required submitted documents for permit coverage, DEQ is giving the public access to the Renewal Notices of Intent (NOI) for a period of 30-days from the date the Renewal NOI is deemed complete as listed in the table below.

If any comments or requests for public hearing are received from the public during the 30-day comment period, then the operator of the MS4 must, prior to permit coverage issuance:

  • Provide the MS4's responses to any unresolved public comments on the Renewal NOI received either by the MS4 during local participation and involvement efforts or by DEQ during DEQ’s public participation process to DEQ within 30 days of the director’s request. Responses provided by the MS4 will be considered as part of DEQ’s decision-making process.
  • Modify or include a schedule to modify the Stormwater Management Plan as necessary after consideration of the public comments on the Renewal NOI or as required by the director in response to such comments.

A public hearing will be held when DEQ finds a significant degree of public interest.

30 Day Public Notice for Renewal MS4

Note: Click an Arrow to Sort; an underlined NOI to view a PDF copy of the permit's Notice of Intent.
Permittee Name Permit Number AFIN Date Renewal NOI
Deemed Complete
Date Public
Comment Period Ends
Renewal NOI County Contact Information
Recs Found: 59
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City of Arkadelphia ARR040064 10-00514 1/21/2025 2/21/2025 Renewal NOI  Clark DeAnna Graves, Building Department Supervisor
700 Clay Street
Arkadelphia, AR 71923
Phone: (870) 246-1818
Email: deanna.graves@arkadelphia.gov
City of Bryant ARR040008 88-00831 8/19/2024 9/19/2024 Renewal NOI  Saline Ben Wilson, Community Development Manager
210 SW 3rd Street
Bryant, AR 72022
Phone: (501) 943-0449
Email: bwilson@cityofbryant.com
University of Arkansas at Little Rock ARR040020 88-00850 3/19/2024 4/19/2024 Renewal NOI  Pulaski Shawn Bayouth, Director of EHS
2801 S. University
Little Rock, AR 72204
Phone: (501) 916-6351
Email: sbayouth@ualr.edu
University of Central Arkansas ARR040060 88-01550 6/23/2022 7/24/2022 Renewal NOI  Faulkner Kevin Carter, Associate VP for Facilities
201 Donaghey Ave
Conway, AR 72035
Phone: (501) 450-3610
Email: kcarter@uca.edu
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff ARR040045 88-00918 2/26/2021 3/29/2021 Renewal NOI  Jefferson Terrell Langley, Director, Facilities
1200 N University Drive
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Phone: (870) 575-7187
Email: langleyt@uapb.edu
Crawford County ARR040036 88-00863 2/22/2021 3/25/2021 Renewal NOI  Crawford Veronica Robins, Director of Emergency Management
300 Main Street, Room 4
Van Buren, AR 72956
Phone: (479) 651-4501
Email: vrobins@crawford-county.org
City of Alexander ARR040058 88-01447 2/09/2021 3/12/2021 Renewal NOI  Pulaski, Saline Crystal Herrmann, Mayor
P.O. Box 610
Alexander, AR 72002
Phone: (501) 455-2585
Email: mayor@cityofalexander.org
City of Sherwood ARR040027 88-00845 9/28/2020 10/29/2020 Renewal NOI  Pulaski Richard Penn, City Engineer
P.O. Box 6256
Sherwood, AR 72120
Phone: (501) 835-4753
Email: rpenn@cityofsherwood.net
City of Johnson ARR040038 88-00862 9/14/2020 10/15/2020 Renewal NOI  Washington Clay Wilson, Stormwater Coordinator
P.O. Box 563
Johnson, AR 72741
Phone: (479) 756-1266
Email: cwilson@cityofjohnson.com
City of Mayflower ARR040053 88-01437 8/20/2020 9/20/2020 Renewal NOI  Faulkner Miles Simmons, Consultant
2 Ashmore Street
Mayflower, AR 72106
Phone: (501) 470-1337
Email: msimmons@halff.com
Shannon Hills ARR040022 88-00844 8/14/2020 9/14/2020 Renewal NOI  Saline Jeffrey Reed, Director of Public Works
10401 High Road East
Shannon Hills, AR 72103
Phone: (501) 455-3195
Email: shannonhillspubworks@aristotle.net
City of Prairie Grove ARR040048 88-01439 8/12/2020 9/12/2020 Renewal NOI  Washington Troy Enochs, Building Inspector
975 E. Douglas Street
Prairie Grove, AR 72753
Phone: (479) 846-6542
Email: tenochs@prairiegrovear.org
City of Cave Springs ARR040052 88-01435 8/12/2020 9/12/2020 Renewal NOI  Benton Andrew Williams, Public Works Director
P.O. Box 36
Cave Springs, AR 72718
Phone: (479) 248-1040
Email: andrew.williams@cavespringsar.gov
City of Marion ARR040040 88-00869 8/04/2020 9/4/2020 Renewal NOI  Crittenden Jerry Kelley, Director, MS4
P.O. Box 717
Marion, AR 72364
Phone: (901) 326-2421
Email: jkelley502mbd@yahoo.com
City of Springdale ARR040019 88-00846 7/31/2020 8/31/2020 Renewal NOI  Benton and Washington Holly Wren, Stormwater Coordinator
201 Spring Street
Springdale, AR 72764
Phone: (479) 750-8105
Email: khollingshead@springdalear.gov
City of Pine Bluff ARR040042 88-00866 7/22/2020 8/22/2020 Renewal NOI  Mitzi Ruth, Director, Office of Inspection and Zoning
200 E. 8th Avenue, Room 201
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Phone: (870) 730-2035
Email: mitzir@cityofpinebluff-ar.gov
Texarkana, Arkansas ARR040021 88-00848 7/13/2020 8/13/2020 Renewal NOI  Miller Tyler Richards, Director of Public Works/Acting City Manager
P.O. Box 2711
Texarkana, AR 75504
Phone: (870) 779-4975
Email: tyler.richards@txkusa.org
Jefferson County ARR040012 88-00868 7/01/2020 8/1/2020 Renewal NOI  Jefferson Karen Blevins, Coordinator
101 West Barraque Street
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Phone: (870) 541-5470
Email: karenblevins@jeffersoncountyar.com
City of Benton ARR040043 88-00882 6/29/2020 7/30/2020 Renewal NOI  Saline Danny Ketchum, City Engineer
P.O. Box 607
Benton, AR 72015
Phone: (501) 776-5938
Email: brad@bentonar.org
Arkansas Department of Transportation ARR040004 88-00826 5/27/2020 6/27/2020 Renewal NOI  Statewide Kayti Ewing, NPDES Section
P.O. Box 2261
Little Rock, AR 72203-2261
Phone: (501) 569-2522
Email: kayti.ewing@ardot.gov
University of Arkansas ARR040028 88-00849 5/27/2020 6/27/2020 Renewal NOI  Washington Kristen Knight, Contracted Services Supervisor
FAMA A-106, 1 University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: (479) 575-8472
Email: kristenk@uark.edu
Benton County ARR040032 88-00854 5/26/2020 6/26/2020 Renewal NOI  Benton Madison Kienzle, Planning Director
215 E. Central Ave
Bentonville, AR 72712
Phone: (479) 464-6166
Email: madison.kienzle@bentoncountyar.gov
City of Bentonville ARR040009 88-00828 5/26/2020 6/26/2020 Renewal NOI  Benton Stephanie Orman, Mayor
1000 SW 14th
Bentonville, AR 72712
Phone: (479) 271-5966
Email: sorman@bentonvillear.com
City of Austin ARR040057 88-01452 5/19/2020 6/19/2020 Renewal NOI  Lonoke Randy McKenzie, Director of Public Works
P.O. Box 129
Austin, AR 72007
Phone: (501) 941-2648
Email: rmckenzie@austin-ar.com
City of Tontitown ARR040049 72-02164 5/13/2020 6/13/2020 Renewal NOI  Washington James Clark, Public Works Director
P.O. Box 305
Tontitown, AR 72770
Phone: (479) 361-2700
Email: pwdirector@tontitownar.gov
City of Centerton ARR040050 88-01434 4/29/2020 5/30/2020 Renewal NOI  Benton Anthony Martinez, Code Enforcement/MS4 Coordinator
P.O. Box 208
Centerton, AR 72719
Phone: (479) 224-6028
Email: amartinez@centertonar.us
City of Farmington ARR040017 88-00836 4/21/2020 5/22/2020 Renewal NOI  Washington Melissa McCarville, Business Manager
P.O. Box 150
Farmington, AR 72730
Phone: (479) 267-3865
Email: melissamccarville@cityoffarmington-ar.gov
Saline County ARR040003 88-00847 4/10/2020 5/11/2020 Renewal NOI  Saline John Wofford, Matt Brumley, Saline County Judge
200 N. Main Street Rm 117
Benton, AR 72015
Phone: (501) 303-5690
Email: matt.brumley@salinecounty.org
City of Haskell ARR040054 88-01436 3/23/2020 4/23/2020 Renewal NOI  Saline Nancy Duren, Public Works Director
2520 Hwy 229
Benton, AR 72015
Phone: (501) 776-2666
Email: nancyduren@cityofhaskell.org
City of Jonesboro ARR040033 88-00856 3/13/2020 4/13/2020 Renewal NOI  Craighead Craig Light, City Engineer
P.O. Box 1845
Jonesboro, AR 72403
Phone: (870) 932-2438
Email: clight@jonesboro.org
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences ARR040044 88-00886 3/05/2020 4/5/2020 Renewal NOI  Pulaski Mary Garza, Chemical Hygiene Officer
4301 W. Markham St. Slot 617
Little Rock, AR 72205
Phone: (501) 526-5240
Email: mgarza3@uams.edu
City of Fort Smith ARR040011 88-00838 3/05/2020 4/5/2020 Renewal NOI  Sebastian Stan Snodgrass, Director of Engineering
P.O. Box 1908
Fort Smith, AR 72902
Phone: (479) 784-2247
Email: snodgrass@fortsmithar.gov
City of Maumelle ARR040029 88-00842 3/05/2020 4/5/2020 Renewal NOI  Pulaski Trent Carter, Deputy Director - Planning & Permitting
550 Edgewood Drive
Maumelle, AR 72113
Phone: (501) 851-2500
Email: trent@maumelle.org
City of Alma ARR040051 88-01433 3/03/2020 4/3/2020 Renewal NOI  Crawford Jerry Parsons, Chief Building Inspector
804 Fayetteville Ave, Suite B
Alma, AR 72921
Phone: (479) 632-0441
Email: cody@cityofalma.org
City of Elkins ARR040006 88-00834 1/31/2020 3/2/2020 Renewal NOI  Washington Troy Reed, Mayor
1874 Stokenbury Road
Elkins, AR 72727
Phone: (479) 643-3400
Email: troyreed@elkins.arkansas.gov
City of Elm Springs ARR040016 88-00835 1/27/2020 2/27/2020 Renewal NOI  Washington, Benton Casey Jackson, Building Inspector/ Code Enforcement
P.O. Box 74
Elm Springs, AR 72728
Phone: (479) 248-7323
Email: Cjackson@elmsprings.net
City of Rogers ARR040041 88-00870 12/19/2019 1/19/2020 Renewal NOI  Benton Amariah Berry, Stormwater Coordinater
301 West Chestnut Street
Rogers, AR 72756
Phone: (479) 621-1186
Email: aberry@rogersar.gov
City of Little Flock ARR040035 88-00855 12/11/2019 1/11/2020 Renewal NOI  Benton Jeffrey Van Sickler, Mayor
1500 Little Flock Drive
Little Flock, AR 72756
Phone: (479) 337-0508
Email: mayor@cityoflittleflock.com
Pulaski County ARR040024 88-00843 11/27/2019 12/28/2019 Renewal NOI  Pulaski Steve Brummett, Public Works Director
3200 Brown Street
Little Rock, AR 72204
Phone: (501) 340-6800
Email: sbrummett@pulaskicounty.net
City of Jacksonville ARR040031 88-00874 11/27/2019 12/28/2019 Renewal NOI  Pulaski Adam Whitlow, Public Works Director
#1 Municipal Drive
Jacksonville, AR 72076
Phone: (501) 982-6071
Email: awhitlow@cityofjacksonville.net
City of Fayetteville ARR040010 88-00837 11/13/2019 12/14/2019 Renewal NOI  Washington Alan Pugh, Staff Engineer
125 West Mountain Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: (479) 575-8208
Email: apugh@fayetteville-ar.gov
City of Mountain Home ARR040063 88-01563 10/23/2019 11/23/2019 Renewal NOI  Baxter Arnold Knox, Street Department Director
720 South Hickory
Mountain Home, AR 72653
Phone: (870) 425-4708
Email: aknox@cityofmountainhome.com
Arkansas State University ARR040037 88-00861 10/11/2019 11/11/2019 Renewal NOI  Craighead Melissa Dooley, EHS Director
P.O. Box 1530
Jonesboro, AR 72467-1530
Phone: (870) 972-3644
Email: mdooley@astate.edu
City of Conway ARR040007 88-00833 10/08/2019 11/8/2019 Renewal NOI  Faulkner Neil Reed, Civil Engineer
100 E Robins Street
Conway, AR 72032
Phone: (501) 450-6165
Email: kurt.jones@conwayarkansas.com
City of Siloam Springs ARR040062 88-01536 10/08/2019 11/8/2019 Renewal NOI  Benton Kevin Moore, City Engineer
P.O. Box 80
Siloam Springs, AR 72761
Phone: (479) 238-0944
Email: kmoore@siloamsprings.com
North Little Rock ARR040046 88-00927 10/07/2019 11/7/2019 Renewal NOI  Pulaski Michael Klamm, City Engineer
500 West 13th Street
North Little Rock, AR 72114
Phone: (501) 371-8334
Email: mklamm@nlr.ar.gov
City of Barling ARR040030 88-00827 10/07/2019 11/7/2019 Renewal NOI  Sebastian Honorable Phillip Steve Core, City Administrator
P.O. Box 23039
Barling, AR 72923-0039
Phone: (479) 452-1550
Email: score@barlingar.com
City of West Memphis ARR040025 88-00852 10/03/2019 11/3/2019 Renewal NOI  Crittenden Amanda Hicks, Public Works Director
P.O. Box 1728
West Memphis, AR 72303
Phone: (870) 732-7671
Email: ahicks@citywm.com
City of Brookland ARR040001 88-00830 9/27/2019 10/28/2019 Renewal NOI  Craighead Honorable Kenneth D. Jones, Mayor
P.O. Box 7
Brookland, AR 72417
Phone: (870) 935-0538
Email: cityofbrookland@yahoo.com
City of Cabot ARR040013 88-00832 9/25/2019 10/26/2019 Renewal NOI  Lonoke Paul Ross, Director of Street & Infrastructure
101 N. 2nd St
Cabot, AR 72023
Phone: (501) 843-4819
Email: pross@cabotar.gov