Proposed Changes to Regulation 2
APC&E Commission Docket #10-006-R
3rd Party Request Submitted by
Alcoa Inc
Regulation 2 - Regulation Establishing Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Arkansas
Rulemaking Documents
- 09/03/2010 - Petition to Initiate Rulemaking to Amend Regulation No. 2
- 09/03/2010 - DRAFT Regulation 2 Markup
- 09/03/2010 - Legislative Questionnaire B
- 09/03/2010 - Legislative Questionnaire A1
- 09/03/2010 - Financial Impact Statement
- 09/03/2010 - Act 143 of 2007
- 09/03/2010 - Environmental Benefit Analysis
- 09/03/2010 - Commission Minute Order - Initiate Rulemaking
- 09/03/2010 - Revised Final EIP Notice of Intent
- 09/14/2010 - Revised Proposed Minute Order - Initiate Rulemaking
- 09/29/2010 - Notice of Proposed Third-Party Rulemaking, Public Hearing
- 09/24/2010 - Petition to Initiate Third Party Rulemaking
- 03/31/2011 - Alcoa's Response to Comments
- 05/17/2011 - Responsiveness Summary and Statement of Basis
- 06/06/2011 - Alcoa's Statement of Basis and Purpose
- 06/27/2011 - Alcoa's Motion for Adoption of Proposed Changes
- 07/22/2011 - Adoption of Revisions - Signed Minute Order