Laws & Rules

The General Assembly, by Act 315 of 2019, required all state agencies to replace any reference to "regulation" with the reference to "rule" in regard to agency rules. While PC&EC had begun the process of amending its existing rules on an individual basis, Act 704 of 2021 gave the PC&EC an abbreviated procedure to implement the changes required by Act 315 of 2019, as well as to reflect transformational changes required by Act 910 of 2019.

The rules adopted by the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission (APC&EC) are the basis for DEQ's permitting, monitoring and enforcement programs, public involvement activities and other services.

Rule Division Effective Date
Rule 1 Water November 17, 2018
Prevention of Pollution by Oil Field Waste
Rule 2 Water May 7, 2022
Regulation Establishing Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Arkansas, as revised
Rule 3 Water March 15, 2008
Licensing of Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators, as revised
Rule 4 Water July 7, 1973
Rule to Require a Disposal Permit for Real Estate Subdivisions in Proximity to Lakes and Streams, as revised
Regulation 5 Water September 18, 2015
Liquid Animal Waste Management Systems, as revised
Regulation 6 Water September 18, 2015
Rules For State Administration Of The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), as revised
Rule 7 Legal August 21, 1992
Civil Penalties, as revised
Regulation 8 Legal February 28, 2009
Administrative Procedures, as revised
Rule 9 Legal October 8, 2017
Permit Fee Rules, as revised
Regulation 10 REPEALED January 19, 2002
Regulation Governing the Revolving Loan Fund Program
The program has been transferred to the Arkansas Soil & Water Conservation Commission. (Legislated by Act 459 of 2001 Regular Session.)
 View the Commission Minute Order.
Rule 11 Solid Waste Management June 10, 2014
Rules for Solid Waste Disposal Fees; Landfill Post-Closure Trust Fund; Solid Waste Management and Recycling Fund Distribution; and Recycling Grant Programs, as revised
Rule 12 Regulated Storage Tanks July 04, 2024
Storage Tank Rules, as revised.
Regulation 13 REPEALED April 22, 2006
The provisions have been incorporated into Rule 9
Regulation 14 REPEALED December 7, 2018
Rule 15 Rules for Arkansas Open-Cut Mining and Land Reclamation, as revised February 13, 2014
The Arkansas Open-Cut Mining and Land Reclamation Code, as revised
Regulation 16 POA, Market Development August 15, 2004
Rule of the State of Arkansas for Waste Reduction, Reuse, or Recycling Tax Credits, as revised
Rule 17 Water February 14, 2005
Arkansas Underground Injection Control Code, as revised
Rule 18 Air March 14, 2016
Arkansas Air Pollution Control Code, as revised
Rule 19 Air May 6, 2022
Rules of the Arkansas Plan of Implementation for Air Pollution Control, as revised
Rule 20 Surface Mining and Reclamation September 26, 2002
The Arkansas Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Code, as revised
Rule 21 Air, Asbestos September 11, 2015
Arkansas Asbestos Abatement Rule, as revised
Rule 22 Solid Waste Management April 26, 2008
Solid Waste Management Rules, as revised
Rule 23 Hazardous Waste October 2, 2020
Hazardous Waste Management, as revised
Regulation 24 REPEALED September 1, 2007
The provisions have been incorporated into Rule 22
Regulation 25 REPEALED July 27, 2013
Rule Governing the Lead-Based Paint Activities has been repealed. This program has been transferred to the Arkansas Department of Health. (Legislated by Act 1011 of 2011 Regular Session).
Rule 26 Air March 14, 2016
Rules of the Arkansas Operating Air Permit Program, as revised
Rule 27 Solid Waste Management August 4, 2022
Licensing of Operators of Solid Waste Management Facilities and Environmental Officers, as revised
Rule 28 Recycling December 23, 2004
Rule of the State of Arkansas for County Recycling Programs, as revised
Rule 29 Hazardous Waste December 19, 2014
Brownfield Redevelopment, as revised
Rule 30 Hazardous Waste October 18, 2018
Arkansas Remedial Action Trust Fund Hazardous Substances Site Priority List, as revised
Rule 31 Air May 28, 2006
Nonattainment New Source Review Requirements, as revised
Rule 32 Hazardous Waste May 26, 2008
Environmental Professional Certification, as revised
Rule 33 Air June 18, 2010
Motor Vehicle Racing Facility Rules, as revised
Rule 34 Water September 26, 2011
State Water Permit Rule, as revised
Rule 36 Tires August 13, 2018
Used Tire Recycling and Accountability Program