DEQ's Offices for Environmental Quality

Established in 2019 as part of the Transformation and Efficiencies Act of 2019 (Act 910), the new umbrella agency called the Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment (E&E) absorbed the former Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ), which is now named the Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and retains its function as Arkansas's regulatory body in the area of environmental protection.

Office of Air Quality

The Office of Air Quality regulates industries that emit air pollutants. The Air Quality - Asbestos Section ensures the proper precautions are followed in the demolition or renovation of old buildings that could contain asbestos.

Office of Energy

The Office of Energy Office works to promote energy efficiency, clean technology, and sustainable strategies that encourage economic development, energy security, and environmental well-being.

Office of Land Resources

The Office of Land Resources regulates activities to ensure that Arkansas's land is protected.

Office of Water Quality

The Office of Water Quality regulates stormwater runoff and industrial discharges.

Additional Sources under E&E