Air Quality Compliance
The Office of Air Quality Compliance Branch has a staff of 26, including 18 district area inspectors. The primary responsibility is to ensure that permitted facilities are operating according to state and federal air pollution regulations. This is accomplished through annual compliance inspections, stack testing, and monitoring of reporting requirements. Compliance inspectors also investigate citizen complaints relative to air pollution.
NOTE: Please be sure to put your AFIN number on all documents and correspondence. This is the number we use to log, file, etc. all records. (ex: 99-01234) (The AFIN replaces what was formerly known as CSN.)
General Provision Number 7 of all Title V permits requires facilities holding Title V permits with monitoring requirements (specified in the permit conditions) to submit semi-annual monitoring reports. Please note that not all facilities are required to submit these reports. If the individual specific condition or plant wide condition does not require you to submit records in accordance with General Provision 7, then your permit does not require you to submit a semi-annual monitoring report.
Refer to the link below for the form and instructions.
General Provision Number 21 of all Title V permits requires facilities holding such a permit to submit an Annual Compliance Certification. Refer to the following link for the form and instructions.