Permit Application Forms & Instructions
General Information
Application forms and instruction for air permits can be found below.
All Registration, Minor and Major (Title V) application forms are consolidated into one package. Follow the directions in the forms and instructions for specific elements that need to be completed.
General Permits need only complete the Notice of Intent (NOI) form and a disclosure form, if necessary. You are advised to read the actual General Permit first to determine applicability and if your facility can comply with all the conditions of the permit.
Air Application for Name Changes and Transfer of Ownership of permits or registrations should complete the form of the same name.
Motor Vehicle Racing Facility initial permit applicants must contact DEQ for instructions and guidance. For current permit holders annual renewal applications are available below.
Why use ePortal?
The DEQ ePortal system is an online service that allows the public to submit electronic permit applications, registrations, reports, and other forms to DEQ in a secure, online environment. After submitting a form, this system also allows the progress of the submission to be tracked.
How do I use ePortal?
Click here for a short guide on how to use ePortal.
Air Registrations, Minor Source Permits, and Title V Permits
General Air Permits
- General Air Permit for Air Curtain Incinerators
- General Air Permit for Animal/ Human Remains Incinerator Facilities
- General Air Permit for Cotton Gins
- General Air Permit for Gasoline Bulk Plants
- General Air Permit for Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities
- General Air Permit for Natural Gas Compression Stations
- General Air Permit for Rock Crushing Facilities
Air Application for Name Changes and Transfer of Ownership
Motor Vehicle Racing Facility Permit Renewal
Motor Vehicle Racing Facility (MVRF) initial permit applicants must contact DEQ for instructions and guidance. For current permit holders annual renewal applications are available below.
Miscellaneous Permit Correspondence
Miscellaneous requests to the air permit branch, that is, anything other than an air permit application. This may include requests such as:
- Determination if a facility is subject to regulation. This is not for applying for a permit.
- Changes to operations at a permitted facility resulting in no emissions increase.
- Extension to testing or other compliance dates in the current permit.
- Temporary emissions/testing at a permitted facility.
- Alternative to required monitoring in the current permit.
- Interim Authority.
- Temporary Variance.
- Relocation of portable equipment.
- Void an existing permit.
Confidential Information: Applicants can submit confidential information. The presumption is that all material submitted to the Air Office is available for public review unless specific procedures are followed to claim confidentiality. Arkansas Code Annotated § 8-4-308 and APC&EC Regulation 18, Chapter 14: Public Information and Confidentiality contain the requirements for confidential information. Applications and other material claiming confidentiality will be returned to the applicant unprocessed if these requirements are not met.