Regional Haze Program
In 1977, Congress added § 169 to the Clean Air Act (CAA), which set forth the following goal for restoring pristine conditions in national parks and wilderness areas:
Congress hereby declares as a national goal the prevention of any future, and the remedying of any existing, impairment of visibility in mandatory Class I Federal areas which impairment results from man-made air pollution.
In 1999, EPA promulgated the "Regional Haze Regulations: Final Rule" (also referred to as the Regional Haze Rule) to address the combined visibility effects of various pollution sources over a wide geographic region with the goal of achieving natural visibility conditions at designated Class I areas by 2064. This program requires all states, including those that do not have Class I areas to participate in planning, analysis, and emission control programs to comply with the Regional Haze Rule. States with Class I areas are required to conduct certain analyses to establish goals for each Class I area in the state to 1) improve visibility on the haziest days and 2) ensure no degradation occurs on the clearest days. These goals and long-term strategies to achieve these goals are to be included in state implementation plans (SIPs) covering each ten-year period leading up to 2064. Amendments to the Regional Haze Rule were finalized in 2005 and 2017.
Planning Period 1
- Final Phase III Regional Haze Plan.
- Domtar Ashdown Mill Emissions Comparison
- Phase III SIP Revision RPG Data Sheet
The modeling files for Domtar's revised BART Alternative for Ashdown Mill are available upon request.
For questions or requesting copies of available modeling files for Domtar's revised BART Alternative, contact David Clark or phone 501-682-0070.
Planning Period 2
On August 8, 2022, DEQ submitted the state's Regional Haze Plan for Planning Period II to EPA for approval. Arkansas Regional Haze SIP elements as submitted to EPA are linked below. Modeling files for the proposal are available upon request. On August 18, 2022, EPA determined that the Arkansas Regional Haze Planning Period II SIP submission was complete.
Procedural and Public Notice Requirements
Governor's letter, Authority to Adopt and Implement the Plan (Appendix M), Administrative Orders adopting control strategies for Planning Period II, Public Notice and Hearing documentation.
SIP Revision Submitted to EPA
- Appendix A: SIP Checklist
- Appendix B: Ramboll AOI Report
- Appendix C: Arkansas Source Screening Methodology Spreadsheet
- Appendix D: Communication and Consultation
- Appendix E: Arkansas Source Screening Sensitivity Analysis
- Appendix F: Four Factor Analysis for Entergy Independence
- Appendix G: Four Factor Analysis for FutureFuel Chemical Company
- Appendix H: Four Factor Analysis for Domtar Ashdown Mill
- Appendix I: Four Factor Analysis for SWEPCO Flint Creek
- Appendix J: Descriptive Statistics for Planning Period I Determination Costs
- Appendix K: Energy Efficiency as a Haze Reduction Strategy
Appendix L: Technical Support Document of Modeling and
Analyses to Demonstrate Reasonable Progress for the Regional
Haze Planning Period II
- L.1: Sample CAMx Control Script
- L.2: MPE Statistics for the PM2.5 Species
- L.3: Glidepaths for the 20 Percent Most Impaired Days
- L.4: Rate of Progress for the 20 Percent Clearest Days
- L.5: Visibility Plots for the 20 Percent Clearest and 20 Percent Most Impaired Days
- L.6: Visibility in 2028 Using 2014–2017 as Base Year
- Appendix M: Authority to Adopt and Implement the Plan
Modeling files for the proposal are available upon request.
EPA Action on Regional Haze Planning Period II SIP
Public Comments and DEQ Responses
- Comments from Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation
- Comments from Coalition to Protect America's National Parks, National Parks Conservation Association, and Sierra Clubs
- A: AR EGU emissions
- B: Flint Creek SNCR CCM cost-effectiveness
- C: 1085-AOP-R14 FutureFuel
- D: 0597-AOP-R23 GP Crosset
- E: qtrly update ar ej action plan 1-26-17
- F: 0580-AOP-R16 Evergreen Packaging Pine Bluff
- G: 1209-AOP-R7 Dunn Compressor Station
- H: Oil and Gas March 6 2020 Four Factor RP Analysis Oil and Gas Sector
- I: NM July 2 2020 Assessement of NM Oil and Gas Four Factor Submittals
- J: Albemarle Corp. reaches agreement to sell South Haven plant -
- K: 0762-AOP-R29 Abemarle
- L: UltraCat Hot Gas Filtration Ceramic Filter Systems to Remove Pollutants
- M: BisCat - ceramic catalyst filter
- N: sponsoredcontent trimer
- O: CO Wingra Four-Factor Analysis for GCC Rio Grande - Pueblo Cement Plant
- P: CO Wingra Four-Factor Analysis for Holcim Florence - Cement Plant
- Q: Flint Creek SCR CCM cost-effectiveness
- R: FFCC SCR CCM cost-effectiveness
- S: FFCC SNCR CCM combined boilers cost-effectiveness
- T: FFCC SNCR one boiler CCM cost-effectiveness
- U: 0075-AOP-R23 Ash Grove Foreman
- Comments from Domtar A. W., LLC
- Comments from Entergy Arkansas, LLC
- Comments from Entergy Services, LLC
- Comments from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- DEQ Responsive Summary for State Implementation Plan Revision
- Attachment A: August 29, 2014, Supplemental Response, Domtar Ashdown Mill
- Attachment B: September 30, 2014, Response to EPA Information Request , Domtar Ashdown Mill
- Attachment C: July 15, 2015, Domtar Comments on Arkansas BART FIP
- Attachment D: June 22, 2012, Final Wet ESP Proposal, Domtar Ashdown Mill
- Attachment E: Monthly Emissions EGUs - SNCR
- Attachment F1: Flint Creek SNCR Updated Costs
- Attachment F2: Flint Creek SCR Updated Costs
- EPA Clarifications Regarding Regional Haze State Implementation Plans for the Second Implementation Period
- Guidance on Regional Haze State Implementation Plans for the Second Implementation Period
- Technical Guidance on Tracking Visibility Progress for the Second Implementation Period of the Regional Haze Program
- Technical Support Document for EPA's Updated 2028 Regional Haze Modeling
- Technical Support Documentation for EPA's Preliminary 2028 Regional Haze Modeling