Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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The Trafalgar site is not permitted for the proper disposal of solid waste, nor has it ever been permitted in the past.

No, the Trafalgar site is considered to be an illegal dump site. After inspection, material other than vegetative debris was identified at the site. Ark. Code Ann. §8-6-203 defines “disposal site” as “any place at which solid waste is dumped, abandoned, or accepted or disposed of for final disposition by incineration, landfilling, composting, or any other method.” In addition, Ark. Code Ann. §8-6-503(4) defines “Illegal Dump” to mean “any place at which solid waste is placed, deposited, abandoned, dumped, or otherwise disposed in a manner that is prohibited by this subchapter or other statutes, rules, or regulations, and which constitutes (A) an attractive nuisance, (B) a fire, health, or safety hazard, (C) a potential source of surface or groundwater contamination, or (D) other contamination that is hazardous to the public health or endangers the environment.”

No, DEQ has advised the property owner to discontinue all dump and disposal operations at the site and to take steps to prevent public access to the site. A copy of the letter may be found under the resource section of the Bella Vista Community Information page.

Please see the State Action Measures posted to the Bella Vista Community Information page.

DEQ is the state agency directed by the Governor to coordinate with engineering experts, local officials, and other state agencies.

DEQ is working with the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management, the Arkansas Department of Health, the Arkansas Forestry Commission, and the Governor’s Office.

At the request of DEQ, EPA performed air monitoring at the Trafalgar Site on October 2–3, November 9–10, and December 10–13. EPA collected 24-hour air samples from 5 locations in the community around the Trafalgar Site. At this time, EPA is providing no further resources.

None of EPA’s air samples showed elevated concentrations of chemicals of concern in the community. EPA’s evaluation of the air sampling may be found under the resource section of the Bella Vista Community Information page.

DEQ is performing additional air monitoring. Once work begins on-site, the engineering firms will perform continuous air monitoring around the perimeter of the site.

DEQ has no authority to provide or discuss financial assistance.

At this time, there is no indication that the fire will spread or that the smoke will increase in intensity or health and environmental impact. DEQ will work closely with the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management to prepare for any contingency.

At this time, the State’s primary focus is to suppress the smoke and extinguish the fire safely and as quickly as possible. DEQ is statutorily required to seek reimbursement from responsible parties as defined by the Ark. Code Ann. § 8-6-204 et seq. and the Arkansas Solid Waste Management Regulation 22.