Non-Coal Program
Non-coal resources currently mined in Arkansas are soil, clay, shale, gravel, stone, limestone, sand, gypsum, bauxite, and novaculite. APC&EC Rule 15, the Arkansas Open-Cut Mining and Land Reclamation Regulation that was adopted pursuant to Arkansas Act 827 of 1991, provides non-coal mining operations with performance standards to be followed during mining and during the process of reclaiming the land to a beneficial use.
Arkansas Act 1166 of 1997 provides for regulation of stone quarries.
DEQ's Non-Coal Program staff has regulatory oversight for more than 300 sites, including roughly 260 open-cut sites and 96 quarries. The staff makes routine inspections at as many sites as possible each year and also investigates complaints.
Permit Application Forms and Documents
Select the appropriate category below to find permit application forms and documents. We suggest reviewing our mining handbook and the relevant laws and regulations if applicable before getting started.
Open-Cut and In-Stream Mining
Guidance Documents
- Open-Cut and In-Stream Permit Application Cover Letter
- Open-Cut and In-Stream Permit Application Checklist
- Reclamation Cost Factors
- Disclosure Statement Processing Procedures
- Geologic Interpretation and Analysis Memo
Permit Application Forms
Use the following documents to apply for an open-cut and in-stream mining permit or amendment:
Bond Forms
One of following bonding instruments is also required:
Permit Documents
Permit Application Forms
Use the following documents regarding coverage under the general open-cut permit:
Bond Forms
One of following bonding instruments is also required:
Quarry Mining
Guidance Documents
- Quarry Guidance Cover Letter
- Quarry NOI submission checklist
- Exhausted Quarry Checklist
- Geologic Interpretation and Analysis Memo
NOI Documents
Use the following documents to apply for a quarry authorization or amendment:
NOI Forms
Use the following documents to apply for a quarry authorization or amendment:
Bond Forms
One of following bonding instruments is also required:
- Cash Bond Agreement
- Certificate of Deposit Assignment
- Irrevocable Letter of Credit
- Self Bond
- Surety Bond for Quarry Operation
Public Notice Samples
Additional Permits for Mining Operations
In addition to mining permits, your mining operation may require a stormwater or an air permit.
Contact DEQ's Enterprise Services for help in determining which permits may be required for your mining operation.
- Enterprise Services
- 888-233-0326
- Email Enterprise Services
To determine what type of stormwater permit or air permit your mining operation may need, contact:
- Water Permits
- 501-682-0620
- Email Water
- Air Permits
- 501-682-0752
- Email Air