NSTEP Application Info

NSTEP is open to all organizations that operate within the state of Arkansas. An entity wishing to apply for membership in NSTEP should follow the procedures listed below:

  • Have no serious violations, or a pattern thereof, of applicable local, state, or federal laws and permits within one (1) year prior to applying for membership
  • Have no conviction of applicable laws or out-of-court settlements of formal charges of criminal violations within three (3) years prior to submitting an application, unless der new ownership not associated with the act
  • If the applicant has entered into a Consent Administrative Order (CAO), the organization must be monitored and in good standing with an agreed-upon remediation schedule

Applications are accepted throughout the year. Applications should submit the application electronically through E&E's ePortal system. Upon submittal, the applicant will receive acknowledgment that the application has been received. If the application is deemed complete, the organization's compliance to applicable laws and sustainability goals will be reviewed by E&E technical staff. If approved, the applicant will receive a welcome letter signed by the Secretary welcoming them into the program. If denied, there is no formal appeal process of the final eligibility decision. An entity that has been denied acceptance into NSTEP may reapply for consideration at any time.