AQI - Springdale Metropolitan Area

DEQ takes continuous readings at various locations throughout Arkansas. The pollutants that are monitored include five major atmospheric pollutants: carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and particulates (PM10 and PM2.5). The index is based upon the highest contributing pollutant. For example, if ozone is highest, then the value for ozone determines the index. The numbers that are retrieved from the readings are then converted to the Air Quality Index (AQI), which allows pollutant levels to be compared to their health standards and to be assigned a rating of good, moderate, or unhealthy.

AQI - Springdale Metropolitan Area

Most Recent Observed Maximum Value

(24 Hour Period Beginning at 6:00 am CST 03/05/2025)

Critical Pollutant AQI Air Quality Condition
Ozone 41  Good  Green
(Air quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.)

Details of Most Recent Observed Maximum Value

Pollutant Concentration AQI Air Quality Condition
Ozone 0.044 41 Good Green
Fine Particulate 5.0 28 Good Green
(Air quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.)

Forecast for Today

(24 Hour Period Beginning at 6:00 am CST 03/06/2025)

Pollutant Concentration AQI Air Quality Condition
Ozone 0.048 45 Good Green
Fine Particulate 7.2 40 Good Green
(Air quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.)

Forecast for Tomorrow

(24 Hour Period Beginning at 6:00am CST 03/07/2025)

Pollutant Concentration AQI Air Quality Condition
Ozone  0.054 50 Good Green
Fine Particulate 6.3 35 Good Green
(Air quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.)

Recent AQI Data
(Data from the previous 90 days)

AQI Numbers

The range for the AQI is 0-500 and is related to air quality as follows:

0 - 50 0.000 - 0.054 0.000 - 0.084 0.0 - 12.0 0 - 54 0.0 - 4.4 0.000 - 0.034 - Good Green
51 - 100 0.055 - 0.070 0.085 - 0.124 12.1 - 35.4 55 - 154 4.5 - 9.4 0.035 - 0.144 - Moderate Yellow
100 - 150 0.071 - 0.085 0.125 - 0.164 35.5 - 55.4 155 - 254 9.5 - 12.4 0.145 - 0.224 - Unhealthy for
Sensitive Groups
151 - 200 0.086 - 0.105 0.165 - 0.204 55.5 - 150.4 255 - 354 12.5 - 15.4 0.225 - 0.304 - Unhealthy Red
201 - 300 0.106 - 0.200 0.205 - 0.404 150.5 - 250.4 355 - 424 15.5 - 30.4 0.305 - 0.604 0.65 -1.24 Very Unhealthy Purple
301 - 400 0.201 & above 0.405 - 0.604 250.5 - 500.4 425 - 604 30.5 - 50.4 0.605 - 1.004 1.25 - 2.04 Hazardous Maroon

Explanation of Pollutant Categories

Pollutant Sensitive Group
O3 = Ozone Children and people with asthma
PM10 = Particulate Matter < 10 microns People with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly and children
PM2.5 = Particulate Matter < 2.5 microns People with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly and children
CO = Carbon Monoxide People with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly and children
SO2 = Sulfur Dioxide People with asthma
NO2 = Nitrogen Dioxide  

ppm = parts per million (1 part pollutant in 1 million parts of air)

ug/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter of air