What's New with LIHEAP?
Notice of LIHEAP Program Open
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is now open. The program will close on April 30.
In addition to LIHEAP and assistance options offered through your local Community Based Organization, you may visit Benefits.gov to perform a self-search for help.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) lowers the energy burden for households by helping with home energy bills—heating costs during the winter and cooling costs during the summer for those who qualify.
Important Note: To apply for LIHEAP benefits, you must contact the community-based organization that serves the county in which you live.
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Think you know a cheat? Tell us.
Arkansas LIHEAP will never ask customers for a fee for applications or services. Click here to report fraud using the Benefits Fraud Reporting Form.
Do not submit your application or documents to the Arkansas Energy Office (AEO). Applications must be submitted to your community-based organization. AEO does not process applications.
In Arkansas, LIHEAP is operated by a network of community-based organizations (CBOs), which serves all 75 Arkansas counties. Contact information is available here.
Who is eligible for LIHEAP benefits?
LIHEAP only assists residential applicants; businesses are not eligible. The following chart can help you know if you might be eligible for LIHEAP assistance.
How to apply for LIHEAP benefits
Contact the community-based organization (CBO) that serves your area for more information and to apply for LIHEAP benefits. Find contact information for each here.
- The CAA office name
- Their address
- Their telephone number
- Their website
Example LIHEAP application and required documents
You may want to review an example of the Arkansas LIHEAP application, or even print it out and begin completing it prior to contacting your community-based organization. You will need to provide the items listed below when you apply for LIHEAP benefits:
- Example of LIHEAP application
- A photo ID
- Social Security card (household members age 18 or older)
- Social Security numbers (household minors)
- Copies of your most recent utility bills
- Proof of income
- Proof of residency (current utility bills provide proof)
Additional information and/or documents may be required to determine your eligibility for energy assistance.
When to apply
LIHEAP applications are accepted through the CBOs on a first-come, first served basis typically from January to April 30 and from July to September 30 of each year. Households should contact their local CBO to obtain an application.
Unless instructed, do not submit more than one application per program per benefit type.
Where to apply
Apply through the CBO that serves the county where you live. Contact the agency for instructions specific to their office.
NOTE: after reviewing your application, the CBO may request additional information or documentation to process the application.
Other Resource Documents
- Draft Model Plan for FY 2025
- LIHEAP Brochure
- LIHEAP Income Eligibility Chart FY 2025
- Arkansas State Median Income FY 2025
- Electric Benefit Matrix FY 2025
- Natural Gas Benefit Matrix FY 2025
- Propane Benefit Matrix FY 2025
- Fuel Oil Benefit Matrix FY 2025
- Other (Wood, Pellets, etc) Benefit Matrix FY 2025
- LIHEAP Marketing Toolkit
LIHEAP is a block grant program administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). It is designed to lower the energy burden for low-income households, who pay a high proportion of household income for home energy costs, by paying benefits for home energy bills. LIHEAP assists households with heating costs during the winter and cooling costs during the summer. LIHEAP only assists residential applicants; businesses are excluded from receiving the benefit.
Arkansas LIHEAP offers two types of benefit payments:
- Regular: a fixed benefit based on a model that considers the household income, the number of household members, and the type of energy source (e.g., electricity, gas, propane, wood, pellets).
- Crisis: a benefit up to a maximum amount established by policy that will prevent disconnection or restore service or provide energy/fuel when supply is depleted.
The CBO will discuss available benefits with each applicant.