OLR Acronyms and Definitions
To access the list, select a letter of the alphabet.
- 1,2-DCE: 1,2-Dichloroethene
- AAI: All Appropriate Inquiries
- ABCA: Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives
- ABP: Agent Breakdown Product
- A.C.A.: Arkansas Code Annotated
- ACM: Alternate Cover Material
- ACM: Asbestos Containing Materials
- AD: Associate Director
- ADC: Alternate Daily Cover (for official terms, see "ACM" or "ICM")
- ADEM: Arkansas Department of Emergency Management
- ADEQ: Arkansas Division of Environmental Quality
- ADFA: Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration
- ADPC&E: Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology
- AED: Automated External Defibrillator
- AEIR: Annual Engineering Inspection Report
- AETA: Arkansas Environmental Training Academy
- AFB: Air Force Base
- AFFF: Aqueous Film Forming Foam
- AFIN: Arkansas Facility Identification Number; county-based and tied to a specific address
- Als: Action Limits
- AMSL: Above mean sea level
- ANHC: Arkansas Natural History Commission
- ANRG: Army National Guard
- AOC: Areas of Concern
- AOE: Area of Observed Exposure
- AOPI: Area of Potential Interest
- ARAR: Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements
- ARD: Acid Rock Drainage
- AR E&E: Arkansas Energy & Environment
- ASC: Area of Subsurface Contamination
- APC&EC: Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission
- AST: Aboveground Storage Tank
- ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials
- ASTSWMO: Association of State and Tribal Solid Waste Management Officials
- AUL: Activity and Use Limitation
- BGS: Below Ground Surface
- BLS: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- BOD: Biological Oxygen Demand
- BRAC: Base Realignment and Closure
- BTEX: Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene
- C&D: Construction and Demolition
- C&DRF: Construction Demolition Recovery Facility
- CA: Corrective Action
- CAA: Clean.Air Act
- CAA: Central Accumulation Area
- CAO: Consent Administrative Order
- CAMU: Corrective Action Management Unit
- CAP: Corrective Action Plan
- CD: Consent Decree
- CEI: Compliahce Evaluation Inspection
- CEJST: Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool
- CERCLA: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
- CFC: Chlorofluorocarbons-chlorine, fluorine, carbon
- CFR: Code of Federal Regulations
- CH4 : Methane
- CLP: Contract Laboratory Program
- CO2: Carbon Dioxide
- COC: Arkansas Brownfield Program Certificate of Completion
- COC: Constituent of Concern
- COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand
- COPC: Chemical of Potential Concern
- CPR: CardioPulmonary Resuscitation
- CRT: Cathode Ray Tube
- CSA: Comprehensive Site Assessment
- CSM: Conceptual Site Model
- CWA: Chemical Warfare Agent
- CWA: Clean Water Act
- DD: Decision Document
- DEQ: Division of Environmental Quality
- DERP: Defense Environmental Restoration Program .
- DDT: Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
- DFA: Department of Finance and Administration
- DL: Detection Limit
- DMR: Discharge Monitoring Report
- DNAPL: Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid
- DO: Dissolved Oxygen
- DoD: Department of Defense
- DOT: Department Of Transportation
- DPT: Direct Push Technology
- DQI: Data Quality Indicator
- DQO: Data Quality Objective
- ORO: Diesel Range Organics
- EA: Endangerment Assessment
- E&E: Energy and Environment
- EB: Equipment Blank
- EC: Engineering Control
- EC: Environmental Command
- EJ: Environmental Justice
- EM: Emergency Management
- EO: Emergency Order
- EO: Environmental Officer
- EO: Equipment Operator
- EOD: Explosive Ordnance Disposal
- EPA: Environmental Protection Agency
- ER: Emergency Response
- ERO: Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination
- ERT: Environmental Response Team
- ESA: Environmental Site Assessment
- ESC: Erosion & Sediment Control
- ESCA: Elective Site Cleanup Agreement
- ESI: Expanded Site Inspection
- E-Waste: Electronic Waste
- FA: Financial Assurance
- FB: Field Blank
- FF: Federal Facility
- FFS: Focused Feasibility Study
- FIFRA: Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act
- FML: Flexible Membrane Liner
- FS: Feasibility Study
- FUDS: Formerly Used Defense Sites
- FYR: Five Year review
- (G): Gravitational Pull Measurement
- (g): Gram, Unit of weight
- GAR: Groundwater Assessment Report
- GC: Gas Chromatography
- GC/MS: Gas Chromatograph / Mass Spectrometry
- GW: Groundwater
- GWMR: Ground Water Monitoring Report
- GWMW: Groundwater Monitoring Well
- GCL: Geosynthetic Clay Liner
- GHS: Global Harmoniz.ed System
- GIS: Geographic Information System
- GPM: Gallons Per Minute
- GPR: G.round Penetrating Radar
- GPS: Global Positioning System
- GRO: Gas Range Organics
- HASP: Health and Safety Plan
- HAZWOPER: Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
- HH&E: Human Health & the Environment
- HDPE: High Density Polyethylene
- HHRA: Human Health Risk Assessment
- HHW: Household Hazardous Waste
- HMX: High Melting Explosive
- HQ: Hazard Quotient
- HRS: Hazard Ranking System
- HSA: Hollow Stem Auger
- HW: Hazardous Waste
- HWL: Hazardous Waste Landfill
- IA: Implementing Agreement
- IC: Institutional Control
- ICM: Interim Cover Material
- IDW: Investigation Derived Waste
- ISCO: In-Situ Chemical Oxidation
- ISWM: Integrated Solid Waste Management
- IRUC: Install, Repair, Upgrade, Closure
- ITRC: Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council
- IW: Injection Well
- K: Hydraulic Conductivity
- LAST: Leaking Aboveground Storage Tank
- lb/yd3: Pound Per Square Yard
- LBP: Lead-Based Paint
- LEL: Lower Explosive Limit
- LGP: Low Ground Pressure
- LiDar: Light Detection and Ranging
- LIF: Laser- Induced Florescence
- LLDPE: Linear Low Density Polyethlylene
- LLP: Landowner Liability Protection
- LNAPL: Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid
- LOEM: Local Office of Emergency Managment
- LOQ: Limit of Quantification
- LQG: Large Quantity Generator
- LSA: Limited Site Assessment
- LUC: Land Use Control
- LUST: Leaking Underground Storage Tank
- MC: Munitions Constituents
- MCL: Maximum Contaminant Levels
- MD: Munitions Debris
- MOPE: Mobile Dual-Phase Extraction
- MDL: Method Detection Limit
- MEC: Munitions and Explosives of Concern
- MMRP: Military Munitions Response Program
- MRF: Material Recovery Facility
- MNA: Monitored Natural Attenuation
- MOA: Memorandum of Agreement
- MOU: Memorandum of Understanding
- MRS: Munitions Response Site
- MS/MSD: Matrix Spike/ Matrix spike Duplicate
- MSL: Mean Sea Level
- MSW: Municipal Solid Waste
- MSWLF: Municipal Solid Waste.Landfill
- MW: Monitoring Well
- NA: Not Applicable
- NAST: Notification of Aboveground Storage Tank
- NCP: National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan
- ND: Non-detect
- NELAP: National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program
- NFA: No Further Action
- NFPA: National Fire Protection Association
- NFRAP: No Further Remedial Action Planned
- NMOC: Non-Methane Organic Compounds
- NOV: Notice of Violation
- NPDES: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
- NPL: National Priority List
- NRR: Non-financial Records Review
- N UST: Notification of Underground Storage Tank
- O&M: Operation and Maintenance
- OAQ: Office of Air Quality
- OLR: Office of Land Resources
- ORP: Oxidation-Reduction Potential
- OSD: Office of Secretary of Defense
- OSHA: Occupational Safety Health Administration
- OU: Operable Unit
- OWQ: Office of Water Quality
- P&A: Plug and Abandonment
- P&T: Pump-and-Treat
- PA: Preliminary Assessment
- PAH: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- PC: Probable Cause
- PC: Project Coordinator
- PCAP: Post Closure Activity Plan
- PCB: Polychlorinated Biphenyl
- PCE: tetrachloroethane
- PDB: Passive Diffusion Bag
- PDDD: Property Development Decision Document
- PDP: Property Development Plan
- PDS: Permit Database System
- PE: Professional Engineer
- PED: Petroleum Eligibility Determination
- PETN: Pentae rythritol Tetranitrate
- PFAS: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
- PFBS: Perfluorobutanesulfonic Acid
- PFC: Perfluorinated Compound
- PFOA: Perfluoro"octanoic Acid
- PFOS: Perfluorooctane Sulfonate
- PFRP: Process to Further Reduce Pathogens
- PG: Professional Geologist
- PIO: Photoionization Detector
- PM: Project Manager
- POC: Point of Compliance
- POC: Point-of-Contact
- POTW: Publicly Owned Treatment Works
- PP: Poly Propylene
- PP: Proposed Plan
- ppb: part(s) per billion
- PPE: Personal Protective Equipment
- PPE: Probable Point of Entry
- ppm: Part(s) per Million
- ppt: Part(s) per Thousand
- POL: Practical Quantification Limit
- PRG: Preliminary Remediation Goal
- PRP: Potentially responsible Party
- Psi: Pounds Per Square Inch
- PSA: Pre-CERCLA Screening Assessment
- PSTTF: Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund
- PVC: Polyvinyl Chloride
- QA: Quality Assurance
- QAPP: Quality Assurance Project Plan
- QC: Quality Control
- QMP: Quality Management Plan
- RA: Remedial Action
- RADO: Remedial Action Decision Document
- RAO: Remedial Action Objectives
- RAP: Remedial Action Plan
- RAS: Remedial Alternative Selection
- RBCA: Risk Based Corrective Action
- RBSL: Risk Based Screening Levels
- RCRA: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
- RDX: Royal Demolition Explosive
- REC: Recognized Environmental Condition
- RfD: Reference Dose
- RI: Remedial Investigation
- RI/FS: Remedial Investigation and Feasibility study
- ROD: Record of Decision
- ROE: Right-of-Entry
- ROI: Radius of Influence
- RPO: Relative Percent Difference
- RPM: Remedial Project Manager
- RSL: Regional Screenin·g Level
- RST: Regulated Storage Tank
- RSWMD: Regional Solid Waste Management District
- RP: Responsible Party
- RSL: Regional Screening Level
- SA: Site Assessment
- SAA: Satellite Accumulation Area
- SAP: Sampling and Analysis Plan
- SARA: Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
- SAS: Site Assessment Study
- SE: Sampling Event
- SEA: Supplemental Environmental Assessment
- SEMS: Pre -Superfund Enterprise Management System
- SEP: Supplemental Environm(;!ntal Project
- SERE: Streamlined Ecological Risk Evaluation
- SESSI: Soil Exposure Subsurface Intrusion Pathway
- SFS: Supplemental Feasibility Study
- SI: Site Inspection
- SI: Site Investigation
- SL: Screening Level
- SOP: Site Operating Plan
- SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
- SOW: Scope of Work
- SPL: State Priority List
- 550: Sub-Slab Depressurization System
- SSSR: Superfund Site Strategy Recommendation
- SSRA: Site Specific Risk Assessment
- SSTL: Site Specific Target Levels
- SQG: Small Quantity Generator
- SI: Site Inspection
- SIP: State Implementation Plan
- 551: Statistically Significant Increase
- SVE: Soil Vapor Extraction
- SVOC: Semivolatile Organic Compound
- SW: Solid Waste
- SWMU: Solid Waste Management Unit
- TAP: Tire Accountability Program
- TBA: Targeted Brownfield Assessment
- TCA: 1,1,1-trichloroethane
- TCE: Trichloroethane
- TCLP: Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
- TDF: Tire Derived Fuel
- TDL: Target Distance Limit
- TDS: Total Dissolved Solids
- TEF: Toxic Equivalent factor
- TEQ: Toxic Equivalency
- TOC: Total Organic Carbon
- TPH: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
- TR/COC: Traffic Report/Chain of Custody
- TSCA: Toxic Substance Control Act.
- TOC: Top of Casing
- TOC: Total Organic Carbon
- TOPO: Topographical Map
- TPH: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon
- TSDFs: Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities
- TSS: Total Suspended Solids
- TWP: Task Work Plan
- UEL: Upper Explosive Limit
- UFP: Uniform Federal Policy
- UIC: Underground Injection Control
- USACE: United States Army Corp of Engineers
- USCS: United Soil Classification System
- USEPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency
- USGS: United States Geological Survey
- UST: Underground Storage Tank
- UTP: Used Tire Program
- UU/UE: Unlimited Use/Unrestricted Exposure
- UW: Universal Waste
- UXO: Unexploded Ordnance
- V: Volts
- VC: Vinyl Chloride
- VCP: Voluntary Cleanup Program
- voe: Volatile Organic Compound
- VSI: Visual Site Inspection
- VSQG: Very Small Quantity Generator
- WBZ: Water Bearing Zone
- WP: Work Plan
- WWTP: Waste-water Treatment Plant
- μg/L: Micrograms per Liter