Weatherization Assistance Program

The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) annually provides grant funds to community action agencies, and non-profit agencies to provide specific program services for low-income families of Arkansas. These entities provide program services throughout the state. The Arkansas Weatherization Program (AWP) was developed to help reduce energy usage in homes that are severely energy inefficient. The program is available to all income-eligible Arkansans and eligible housing units. The program helps customers find ways to reduce their daily energy usage. Advanced diagnostic technology, such as a computerized energy audit, is used to determine the energy conservation needs of a home.

The Truth of Weatherization

The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) utilizes seven service providers to weatherize homes throughout all of Arkansas's 75 counties. Our service providers are made up of Community Action Agencies (CAAs) and other nonprofits. They are charged with installing energy efficient upgrades in qualifying low-income homes.

The Weatherization Assistance Program helps low-income households reduce their heating and cooling bills by providing full-scale home energy conservation services. Services provided by the program result in a more comfortable, safe home and a permanent improvement in the lives of occupants. The program is operational year round. After a household is determined eligible, the local agency schedules an energy inspection of the home. A DOE trained Energy Auditor completes a full inspection of the energy and health and safety concerns of the home and completes a Work Order/Job Write-Up. Community Action Agencies (CAA’s) use crews or local private-sector weatherization contractors to complete the work at no cost to the occupants.

The actual conservation work completed is dependent on the specific needs of the home. However, typical work includes:

  • Air sealing
  • Attic and/or sidewall insulation
  • Minor repairs associated with the weatherization work
  • Weather-stripping

All work receives a thorough Quality Control inspection by the local agency’s Quality Control Inspector.

Households with incomes that do not exceed 200% of Poverty Guidelines as determined by the Department of Energy (DOE) may be eligible for the Weatherization Assistance Program. In addition, those households with a member receiving SSI are categorically eligible.

Due to limited funding, priority points are awarded to households with members who are elderly, handicapped, children under 19, or Native Americans.

Applicants must apply and be determined eligible for the Weatherization Assistance Program. The Head of Household may apply to the local Community Action Agency (CAA), or non-profit serving the county. Applicants are required to provide household income information. Find your local providers.

  • Of the life of the measures (20 years), it is expected that the weatherization measures will save the recipients a total of $47,438,465, or about $1.94 for every $1 invested.
  • A total annual Arkansas energy savings for program participants from PY 2009-2010 was $2,409,458.
  • The average annual carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions saving for each house in the program for PY 2009- 2010 for Arkansas was 3,305 pounds of reduced emissions due to reduction in electricity use, and 12,719 pounds of reduced CO2 emissions due to the reduction in natural gas use. This means that program participants reduced their total annual CO2 emission by 16,826 metric tons.
  • As it relates to cost saving, 27-percent surveyed respondents (who participated in the Arkansas Weatherization Assistance Program) stated they saw a reduction in their energy bills. This means an average annual savings of $136 for electricity and $986 for natural gas.

Included under this section are important documents for the Weatherization Assistance Program. Please click on the document you wish to view.