Individual Permits

Individual permits are developed for a specific facility. The list below contains application material for each individual permit classification.

Permit Application Forms and Documents

Select the appropriate category below to find permit application forms and documents.

Class 1 Landfill

Class 1 landfills are subject to siting criteria, design, and operational standards specified by Subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 258 (40 CFR 258). Subtitle D standards have been adopted by the state and regulate all municipal solid waste landfill units that accept household wastes for disposal. Class 1 landfills can accept household wastes, non-hazardous commercial wastes, and non-hazardous industrial wastes in accordance with permit requirements.

Guidance and Permitting

Permit Application Forms
Use the following documents to apply for a Class 1 landfill or modification:

Submit the following documents only as needed:

Financial Assurance
One of the following bonding instruments is also required:

Class 3C, 3N, 3T Landfill

All other solid waste disposal facilities, including Class 3 and 4 landfills, are subject to the criteria contained in 40 CFR 257, which the state has also adopted, and state Regulation 22.

There are three categories of Class 3 landfills:

  • Class 3T - Tire landfills can accept only tires for disposal.
  • Class 3C - Commercial landfills can accept approved non-hazardous commercial industrial wastes.
  • Class 3N - Noncommercial landfills can accept approved industrial wastes. These landfills are for disposal of waste generated solely by the permittee. Only Class 3N landfills are exempt from obtaining a Certificate of Need.

Guidance and Permitting

Permit Application Forms
Use the following documents to apply for a Class 3C, 3N, 3T landfill or modification:

Submit the following documents only as needed:

Financial Assurance
One of the following bonding instruments is also required:

Class 4

All Class 4 landfills can accept inert, non-putrescible wastes such as construction and demolition wastes, appliances and furniture, and other bulky, inert wastes.

Guidance and Permitting

Permit Application Forms
Use the following documents to apply for a Class 4 landfill or modification:

Submit the following documents only as needed:

Financial Assurance
One of the following bonding instruments is also required:

Composting Facilities
(Type CY, CO, CS)

Full Individual Compost Facilities are classified according to the type of waste authorized for composting:

  • Type CY facilities may accept only yard wastes and other woody wastes. Type CY facilities qualify for coverage under a general permit in which permit coverage is granted within 30 days of receiving a complete application.
  • Type CO facilities may accept any source separated organic wastes, such as paper, sewage sludge, food processing wastes, or other specific organic wastes, including Type CY wastes.
  • Type CS may receive all types of suitable solid waste for composting, including household garbage, commercial wastes, suitable industrial wastes, and all Type CO and Type CY wastes.

Guidance Documents

Permit Application Forms
Use the following documents to apply for a composting facility or modification:

Submit the following documents only as needed:

Financial Assurance
One of the following bonding instruments is also required:

Transfer Stations (Type TS)

Full Individual Transfer Stations are facilities that receive solid waste from collection vehicles and the public for transfer to larger vehicles for long distance transport. Like Type CY composting facilities, transfer stations are normally covered under a general permit.

Guidance Documents

Permit Application Forms
Use the following documents to apply for a transfer station or modification:

Submit the following documents only as needed:

Financial Assurance
One of the following bonding instruments is also required:

Solid Waste Recovery Facilities

A solid waste handling facility that provides for the extraction from mixed solid waste of recoverable materials, materials suitable for use as a fuel or soil amendment, or any combination of such materials. Due to the similarity of functions, Waste Recovery Facility (WRF) operations are required to meet all permitting requirements for transfer stations, including obtaining a certificate of need from the Regional Solid Waste Management District (RSWMD).

Guidance Documents

Permit Application Forms
Use the following documents to apply for a waste recovery facilities or modification:

Submit the following documents only as needed:

Financial Assurance
One of the following bonding instruments is also required:

Construction and Demolition Recovery Facilities

Full Individual Construction and Demolition waste means a facility that provides for the extraction from mixed construction and demolition waste of recoverable materials.

Guidance Documents

Permit Application Forms
Use the following documents to apply for a construction and demolition debris material recovery permit:

Submit the following documents only as needed: