Envy Past Winners
Since 2005, DEQ has honored companies and individuals for their continued efforts to protect and enhance the environment in extraordinary ways. These innovative projects and programs show that even one company or one person can make a difference in protecting Arkansas.
2019 ENVY Winner
Clearwater Paper—Cypress Bend was chosen as the winner of the 2019 Arkansas Environmental Stewardship (ENVY) Award. Clearwater Paper is the country's largest provider of private label tissue and a world-class manufacturer of high-quality bleached paperboard. The Cypress Bend facility formed sustainability improvement teams to identify and implement innovative ways to improve the mill’s performance. Over a six-year period, the Cypress Bend plant has achieved a total savings of $5.6 million per year from the projects it implemented. Solid waste was reduced by seventy-three percent or 67,000 tons per year. Water was reduced by twenty-five percent or $390,000 per year. Natural gas was reduced by twenty-two percent, and electricity was reduced by eight percent or 23,500,000 kilowatt hours per year.
The 2019 Award finalists were: Clearwater Paper—Cypress Bend, Southwestern Sales Company, and Specialized Real Estate Group.