E-waste Grants
The E-waste Grants Program is a competitive grants program to assist in the development of sustainable processes for recovery, recycling, and demanufacturing of scrap computers and electronics. Funding for this program is generated by the sale of state-owned computers that are no longer needed by the agency that purchased them.
The grant fund accumulated a large enough balance to begin awarding grants in 2006, and grants have been awarded annually since then. Applications are submitted directly to DEQ. Final approval is through the Arkansas Legislative Council Review Committee.
Totals distributed each year are listed below.
Grant Forms and Documents
Select the appropriate subject below to find grant application forms and documents. Submit required forms and attachments.
Applications and other required documents are submitted directly to DEQ. Final approval is through the Arkansas Legislative Council Review Committee.
Required Documents
E-Waste Competitive Grants Program Guidelines include:
E-waste Grant Application
- Applications accepted July 1 – Sept. 1
- Brief Scope of Work Narrative must be included
- Bid Specification or Cost Quotes must be included
Statement of Agreement with DEQ
Summary Report
The following entities in Arkansas are eligible to apply for funding under this program:
- Regional solid waste management boards
- Cities or counties
- Other state or local government entities
- Schools, colleges, or universities
- Nonprofit organizations or associations
- Private industry and businesses
Grant funds may not be used for routine activities that should be provided in the normal course of a solid waste management system, plan, or effort; equipment or facilities unless indispensable to the project; indirect costs; or retroactive costs.
Potential projects must fall into one of the following categories:
- Collection, transportation, or processing
- Local or statewide recycling and demanufacturing
- Innovative recycling, donation, demanufacturing, or disposal
Applications are accepted July 1 – Sept. 1; grant recipients are notified no later than Dec. 31.
Evaluation criteria include sustainability of the proposed recovery, recycling, and/or demanufacturing process and anticipated project results, including:
- Minimization and elimination of substantial volumes of e-waste
- Creation of Arkansas jobs
- Return on investment analysis or cost recovery
Reporting Requirements
Grantees must sign a Statement of Agreement with DEQ, and the date this document is signed by DEQ (i.e., the execution date) marks the beginning of the grant timeline. Grant funds must be fully expended within one year from the execution date. A Summary Report about the project is also due one year from the execution date of the Statement of Agreement.
Because the E-waste Grants Program is reimbursement based, grant funds are disbursed only after proper documentation of expenditures is submitted to and verified by DEQ staff.