Other Permit Matters

Below you will find access to public notices concerning permit issues. These may include notices of proposed permits or modifications, the granting of interim authority under pending permits, authorizations for permit variances and other matters for which public comment is being sought or which may be of other interest to citizens. The most recent notices appear at the top of the list.

Notices related to permit hearings or meetings are found under Permit Hearings and Meetings.

To view a public notice, click on the title of public notice indicated below under the column heading entitled “Title.”

Date Title Division
12/22/2024  Notice of Interim Authority Aerojet Rocketdyne, Inc 
10/27/2024  Notice of Interim Authority U. S. Vanadium- Benton LLC 
09/26/2024  Notice of An Administrativley Complete Application for a RCRA Permit Modification 
06/23/2024  Notice of Interim Authority Delek Logistics Operating, LLC -Smackover Station 
04/21/2024  Notice of Interim Authority- EnviraPAC Monticello, LLC 
03/31/2024  Notice of Temporary Variance Roseburg Forest Products, Co.- El Dorado MDF