Recycling Distribution Program
Between 1991 and 2012, the DEQ disbursed nearly $66 million to more than 2,300 recycling projects through the Arkansas Recycling Grants Program. Funds came from fees paid on solid waste generated in the state. Act 1333 of 2013 changed the grant program into a distribution program.
ADEQ provides information about each of the grants distributed through the Recycling Grants Program between 1994 and 2012. Recycling Grants Data provided includes the grant recipients, the project category, the grant amount, and the amount of the grant remaining.
Distribution of Funds
Funds from this program, formerly the Recycling Grants Program, are distributed to regional solid waste management districts using the same formula as the former program. RSWMD boards determine the best use for these funds in their districts. Each district has developed its own eligibility criteria and usage requirements. Contact your RSWMD for more details.
Totals distributed each year are listed below. Click the year for allocation by district.
Reporting Requirements
Act 1333 of 2013 did not change reporting and other requirements for funds disbursed prior to August 2013.
- Recycling Activity Survey must be completed annually by each grant recipient to summarize tonnage recycled and revenue received during the reporting period. This survey also includes details about the materials collected and markets used. Survey due to DEQ by Aug. 15 each year.
- Progress Report is required for every grant until a zero balance is reported. This report provides information about the funds spent during the reporting period and the progress made on the project detailed in the grant application. Report due to DEQ by Sept. 1 each year.
- Modifications to an approved grant project may not be made unless and until the grantee receives written approval from both the RSWMD Board and ADEQ. A public notice is required for modifications that alter the grant category or materially change the project.
- Time extension requests should be submitted at least 30 days before the established deadline.
- The sale, trade, or transfer of equipment or facilities purchased with Recycling Grant funds can be made only with DEQ’s written consent and only for the purpose of upgrading recycling facilities or improving recycling programs within Arkansas.
Grant Forms and Documents
Select the appropriate subject below to find required grant documents. Submit required forms as directed.
Required Reporting Documents
Reporting forms are distributed to and completed forms are submitted through your regional solid waste management district.
Annual Recycling Activity Survey
- Due to ADEQ by Aug. 15 each year
Annual Progress Report
- Due to ADEQ by Sept. 1 each year
- An expense itemization list must be included with the progress report if any funds have been expended during the reporting period.
- If equipment was purchased, detailed supporting documents showing the purchase must be included, as well as serial number or VIN and physical location of equipment.
Required Prior Approval Documents
All forms require both the regional solid waste management district board chairperson’s signature and the ADEQ Recycling Branch manager’s signature before changes are authorized, and grant recipients MAY NOT make requested changes before authorization is final. In addition, some changes may require a public notice, including a 30-day public comment period, before ADEQ can approve them.
- Request approval for modifications to grant project
- Request approval for additional time to spend funds
Request to Sell, Trade, or Transfer
- Request approval for the sale, trade, or transfer of equipment purchased with grant funds
- Instructions for public notices on grant applications and change orders