Arkansas Computer and Electronic Waste Recycling Grants Program
The Arkansas Computer and Electronic Waste Recycling Grants Program provides financial assistance to regional solid waste management districts and local governments to develop and improve recycling opportunities for unwanted computer and electronic devices. Funding is provided by a fee on each ton of solid waste landfilled in the state. However, this fee was not collected until the Landfill Post-Closure Trust Fund reached its cap of $25 million.
Each regional solid waste management district now receives an annual allocation based on a statutory formula and the total amount of funding available. The total annual funding and, hence, the district allocations have remained the same since 2012.
Government entities, such as cities, counties, solid waste authorities, regional solid waste management districts (RSWMDs), and subordinate service districts are eligible to apply for funding through this program. Private recycling interests and nonprofits can receive funds only through partnerships with a government entity.
Administrative costs and reimbursement for previous purchases are not eligible for grant funding.
Potential activities, projects, or programs that support the objectives of increasing and improving recycling as a waste-management strategy must fall into one of the following categories:
Funds can be used for permanent structures or mobile units for the purpose of collecting, sorting, processing, or storing electronic waste. Funds may be used for expansion of an existing recycling facility for additional management of electronic waste for recycling or reuse. Facilities must meet the objectives of the solid waste management plan for recycling e-waste. Costs to manage temporary collection events are also eligible.
Equipment necessary for adequate and efficient management of electronic waste for the purpose of recycling or reuse is eligible. This would include equipment needed to collect, transport, and process or store electronic waste.
Education and public awareness activities and material are eligible if they are part of a plan for introducing or promoting e-waste recycling or reuse for the purpose of diverting e-waste materials from Arkansas landfills.
Costs incurred in the process of transporting electronic waste by private or public transporter.
Costs incurred to purchase materials associated directly with management of electronic waste collection, processing, or movement.
Wages, not including fringe benefits, for physical labor needed to collect, process, and move electronic waste. Wages for managers, supervisors, and administrators are not eligible.
Distribution of Funds
ADEQ provides information about each of the grants awarded through the Arkansas Computer and Electronic Waste Recycling Grants Program. Recycling Grants Data provided includes the grant recipient, the project category, the grant amount, and the amount of the grant remaining.
Applications for potential grant projects are submitted to DEQ through the regional solid waste management districts. Each district board prioritizes projects, determining which receive funding and the amount of funding, based on the district’s allocation. DEQ reviews the applications, approving those that meet the requirements of the program. Funds for the approved projects are disbursed to the RSWMD and distributed to grantees based on RSWMD guidelines.
Reporting Requirements
Grantees must begin grant projects before pre-applications for the next grant round are submitted and spend all funds within three years of disbursement to the RSWMD. Grantees must complete an annual Recycling Activity Survey providing tonnage of materials collected and any revenue received from the sale of these materials. They must also complete an annual Progress Report detailing progress in the project and expenditures of grant funds. Reporting forms are distributed through and returned to the RSWMD.
Grant Forms and Documents
Select the appropriate subject below to find grant application forms and documents. Submit required forms as directed.
Applications for potential grant projects are submitted to DEQ through the regional solid waste management districts.
- Regional solid waste management boards submit a list and brief description of planned projects to DEQ.
- The list of planned projects is due January 1 prior to each grant round for written pre-approval by DEQ.
- Applications are accepted January 1 - June 1.
- Completed Project Proposal questions and budget must be included.
- Proof of Publication document(s) for public notice(s) must be included.
- Copies of any comments received in response to public notice(s) about the grant report shall be forwarded to DEQ.
Reporting forms are distributed to and completed forms are submitted through your regional solid waste management district.
Annual Recycling Activity Survey
- Due to DEQ by Aug. 15 each year
Annual Progress Report
- Due to DEQ by Feb. 1 each year
- An expense itemization list must be included with the progress report if any funds have been expended during the reporting period.
- In addition, if equipment was purchased, detailed supporting documents showing the purchase must be included, as well as serial number or VIN and physical location of equipment.
All forms require both the regional solid waste management district board chairperson’s signature and the DEQ Recycling Branch manager’s signature before changes are authorized. Grant recipients MAY NOT make requested changes before authorization is final. In addition, some changes may require a public notice, including a 30-day public comment period, before DEQ can approve them.
- Request approval for modifications to grant project
- Request approval for additional time to begin or finish spending funds
Request to Sell, Trade, or Transfer
- Request approval for the sale, trade, or transfer of equipment purchased with grant funds
- Instructions for public notices on grant applications and change orders