Statewide Solid Waste Management Plan

A.C.A. § 8-6-1902 charges DEQ with the development of the Statewide Solid Waste Management Plan which gives emphasis on regional planning. Throughout the process, DEQ partners with the 19 regional solid waste management boards, volunteers from business, industry, education and local governments to outline strategies for solid waste management for the next decade.

In 2018, the state's regional solid waste management districts updated their needs assessment documents to provide information about the origin and destination of their waste and their management resources and deficiencies. Such information is a critical component of the state management plan.

A.C.A. §8-6-1904 (b) requires each Regional Solid Waste Management Board to develop a solid waste management plan which includes the minimum requirements contained in the Statewide Solid Waste Management Plan.

The Solid Waste Office maintains a historical timeline of solid waste management in Arkansas.

Special Recoverable Materials Committee Report

This report includes ideas for recycling and re-use of materials that currently go to landfills in Arkansas. In addition to showing steps that we could take in the future to reduce the amount of waste going to landfills, the research for this report shows that Arkansas compares well with other states in recycling and re-use.