Enforcement Analysts

Primarily, enforcement analysts ensure compliance with and enforcement of the Federal Clean Water Act as it applies to Arkansas, and upholding DEQ's mission of protecting, enhancing and restoring the environment for the benefit of all Arkansans. The Clean Water Act created the NPDES permitting system, which DEQ administers in Arkansas on behalf of EPA, monitoring nearly 700 individually permitted facilities and over 3,000 facilities covered under general permits. In addition, analysts oversee state-issued no-discharge permits such as treated wastewater drip irrigation systems. Enforcement analysts work closely with representatives of permitted facilities and the public on a daily basis to keep the waters of Arkansas clean and safe for everyone to enjoy.

Enforcement Analysts Contact Lists by Permit Type

Individual, Stormwater General, and Pretreatment NPDES Permits, and Individual and General No-Discharge Permits
Enforcement Analyst
Contact Information
A - B Tiana Toups
C - E Thomas Harrington
F - G Alan Anderson
H - K Leslie Allen-Daniel
L - O Vacant
P - S Vacant
T - Z Kayla Grabinski