No-Discharge Permit Program
Pursuant to the Arkansas Water and Air Pollution Control Act (Ark. Code Ann. §8-4-101 et. seq.), DEQ has the power to issue permits “to prevent, control, or abate pollution.” Therefore, any waste disposal system that does not discharge directly into the waters of the state (and, consequently, is not under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program) must be operated under the terms and conditions of a No-Discharge Water Permit. The Water Office's No-Discharge Section issues individual and general permits for No-Discharge surface and subsurface waste disposal activities, including underground injection control permits. All permits are issued in accordance with APC&EC Regulations 1, 5, 8, 9, 17 and/or 34.
In order to stay in compliance with environmental regulations, visit the links below to learn about the various types of No-Discharge permit programs.
Individual No-Discharge Permits
- Some individual permits require public notices or public review. Find public notices of a specific individual permit:
- Animal Waste Disposal
- Land Application and/or Storage
(biosolids or industrial waste) - Land Application and/or Storage
(oil and gas waste) - Subsurface Wastewater Disposal
(domestic wastewater and industrial wastewater)- Septic Systems
- Drip Irrigation Systems
General No-Discharge Permits
- Septic Tank for Carwash
- Saltwater Disposal System Surface Facility
(associated with Class II UIC wells permitted by AOGC) - Land Application of Water Treatment Plant Residuals
Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program Permits and Authorizations
- UIC Subsurface Disposal Wells
- Class I UIC Wells
- Class V UIC Wells
- Saltwater Disposal System Surface Facility